AFX Changelog
- Enhanced performance when activating subassemblies [RM-17751]
- Update UI of verify project after user presses the regenerate assembly button [RM-18277]
- Delete Common name of drawing templates to avoid incorrect common name of drawings created by autodrawing function [RM-18271]
- Automatic dimensioning does not show buw size dimensions in side view [RM-16555]
- Material density of aluminium profiles in library updated to correct value [RM-17804]
- Item number calculation should be correct when using the update button when no item numbers are set yet [RM-17531]
- custom_modelnames message ids were compared versus upper case in some cases [RM-18375]
- Avoid crash when creating automatic drawing dimensions with both options checked [RM-19479]
- Bend profiles should also be found in new profile dialog if they have extension .prt.1 [RM-16531]
- Renamed efx_standard_drawing_list.txt to standard_drawing_list.txt [RM-16724]
- Avoid crash on creating a joint on an asselmbly that is in automatic rep [RM-17416] [SPR-15229058]
- Avoid crash when new failed features are detected [RM-17072] [SPR-15029142]
- Subassembly without solids should no longer select wrong flag when creating joints [RM-17422]
- Bosch Joint 40x40 added [RM-15766]
- Remember state of joint symbol display in joints dialog [RM-16077]
- Add SET_DEFAULT_DEC_PLACES to start_mdl.cfg to limit decimals of model dimensions [RM-15879]
- Do not update dimension decimals if no change is required [RM-15939]
- Drawings should no longer be copied of standard components when connected to windchill [RM-16161]
- Increased performance of profile new dialog if a large amount of material files exists [RM-15144]
- Make BUW_CALCULATE_OUTLINE_PARAMS more precise with cylindirc models [RM-15426]
- Rename project should no longer save unrelated objects [RM-15471]
- Allow multiple creo sessions with the same license if b&w license mechanism is used [RM-16286]
- Fix BUW_DOUBLE_TO_STR_INFO if precision is 0 or smaller [RM-15309]
- Outline parameters now get evaluated and created before relations to enable usage of said parameters in relations [RM-14891]
- DAST plates IH2 IH3 now use the correct image [RM-14711]
- Fix issues with notifications that have external references with reference patterns [RM-15091] [SPR-14062734]
- Fixed reference images for Bosch protective barrier component [RM-14853]
- Bracing plate double should be installable again on middle orientation, updated images of bracing plates [RM-15693]
- Fixed incorrect tab description inside various equipment elements [RM-15529]
- Drawing template should also be applied if afx is installed in a network drive [RM-14420]
- options.cfg is now also converted to new format when located in AFX_USER_CONFIG_DIR [RM-14534]
- Move buttons for screw connection in simp rep dialog to match with other commands [RM-14504]
- custom_modelnames message ids are now case insensitve [RM-14535]
- Update I-beam and U-Beam tab files (EN 10365) [RM-14343]
- When server is connected drawings from assemblies should now be saved to workspace by save all drawings command [RM-14646]
- Fix BUW_DOUBLE_TO_STR_INFO if precision is 0 or smaller [RM-15309]
- Filter for Delete and modify component should be working now for patterned features [RM-13529]
- Hide required references and auto select optional references in element definition [RM-12955]
- References that are evaluated automatically in tab files should now update the reference display [RM-12822]
- Change profile reference udf to avoid issues when moving profiles in the modeltree [RM-9603]
- Add new aluminium profiles to library [RM-13443]
- Update external application name for customer [RM-13348]
- Selection filter now also allows patterned features for UDFs [RM-13527]
- Updates to bosch and item libraries
- Copy Subasm should not be possible when no Project short is defined [RM-13644]
- Prevent crashes if START_PART_UDF_NAME is used in start_mdl.cfg but udf is missing [RM-13896]
- Resolve issue with special copy function for customer [RM-13709]
- Issue with Copy function when not all elements to copy are in master representation [RM-13624]
- Issue with Copy function when not all elements to copy are in master representation [RM-13625]
- Update incorrect steel_beams_inch/angle_beam [RM-13413]
- The assembly should no longer get zoomed out when a profile is assembled [RM-12068]
- Use component ID for realtions when possible [RM-12073]
- Try to avoid unwanted objects in workspace when working with Windchill [RM-12707]
- Update modeltree when using suppress or resume autoudf function [SPR-13386464]
- Do not create relations in models without parameter BUW_NAME [RM-13014]
- Fixed issue witch copy function when using open from file dialog [RM-13523]
- Do not copy standard drawings from the library when working with PDM [RM-12282]
- Additional Tools is now also available in the activated subassembly ribbon [RM-12382] [SPR-13170521]
- Find REF_CYS dimensions of profiles even when group is no longer an UDF [RM-11532]
- Updated toolkit libraries to Creo for security reasons (ICU68) [SPR-12724208]
- Add Additional Tools information offered by B&W Software GmbH [CR-12739619]
- TAB description from relations sorted to prevent issues [RM-11950]
- The tab file processing now ignores unneccesary whitespace caracters [RM-10687]
- Give children of subassemblies correct name when replacing the model in top level assembly context [RM-10706]
- Update project short when creating a copy of a subassembly [RM-10698]
- Make tab-file parsing engine more robust [RM-10688]
- Add new item profiles to library [RM-10876]
- Some profile or subasm functions should be disabled in Minitoolbar for non pattern leader or broken reference groups [RM-11360]
- Added new bosch profiles and caps
- Optimized library folder strucutre of bosch profiles and caps
- Use correct BUW_PROFILE_TYPE in connector 2_angles for the angle beams [RM-10454]
- Update incorrect ITEM Connector SV_8 and dependent models [RM-10820]
- BUW_LAYER_INFO should be applied properly now [RM-11248]
- Creo 8.0 ready version
- AFX supports use cases with embedded components
- The Copy Component Definition dialog has been improved to allow more control over naming of the copies.
- The Copy Component Definition dialog shows all the framework components in the assembly in tree form.
- Display message if the configuration of the software is copied [RM-7627]