- Enable the users to choose symbols to be shown within the drawing format or rather the title block
- Set maximum allowed number of characters per line for stack note columns dependent to particular drawing sheet sizes
- Header entry for stack notes also available in 2D mode
- Automated notification center prompt after model/drawing was retrieved into session
- Convert selected custom note text into upper or lower case via new buttons
- New option to set visibility for custom stack note symbol layout
- Set last active filter read from appdata only on dialog startup
- Enfore placement of std-annotation sets also on dialog startup
- Wrapping improved for note lines containing boxed GD&T text (e.g. @[A-C@])
- Do not prompt that a header entry is already in added list when recently used stack notes are imported
- Notify for released models that symbols will be removed on 'Apply' or 'OK' if a std-annotation block was removed from its owning set
- Avoid creation of multiple identical custom note instances if stack notes import is called multiple times
- Stack note header entry must not be created if no other entires are chosen
- Create missing parameters with pre-defined designation states automatically on OK action
- Open reduced user documentation via ribbon command instead of admin guide. Find admin guide within \docu\san_adminguide_en.*
- Stack note custom symbol preview fixed for Creo version higher than 3.0
- Enter only one line of text into optionmenu for each standard stack note when custom note is created by copy
- Correctly create drawing notes containing GD&T boxes referencing user editable values
- User settings like recently active filter and used languages get written to appdata and will be automatically applied for new models/drawings
- New button to load recently used stack notes and std annotations from user appdata for easy reuse
- Resolve environment variables used in directory or file path configuration options
- New environment variable to set the ui language for the shown contents (more info in folder 'first_steps')
- Previously active std-annotation will be pre-set when user dialog is reopened
- Performance improvement when resolving a large number of std-annotaion notifications via the notification center
- Show preview for out-dated or obsolete texts in notification center
- Default value changed to YES for config option SHOW_ADD_BUTTON_PRECHECKED_ITEMS
- Preserve std-annotation symbols when opening user dialog for definitions which were removed from set
- Only allow to export std-annotation sets which were chosen for creation
- Revision control capabilities advanced for models which have released lifecycle state
- Import and export user settings for std-annotations via xml files
- New configuration option which allows to remove mandatory std-annotation blocks via 'unselect all' button
- New attribute for std-annotation sets to enforce pre-defined sheet/combined state placement by disabling placement button
- When removing all std-annotations by button do not assign pre-defined sheets or combined states again
- Fix issue with trailing zeroes when importing data from Excel
- New options to pre-set sash layout position for std-annotations, notes, stack notes and symbols
- New configuration option to define whether to open help within Creo browser or as CHM file
- Avoid adding empty lines to note text for patterns which cannot be resolved because language is not active
- Cursor jumps to the end of the value when first character is removed within an inputpanel
- Search functioanlity within std-annotation lead to incorrect results
- Avoid crash when resolving out-dated drawing table using notification center which was manually deleted
- Convert GDT symbol images within translated note texts before adding to model/drawing
- san_api.exe will create path structure if not existent for file output
- Avoid cursor to jump to the end when dropdown expands for editable optionmenus
- Regression fixed using multi line notes patterns
- SQL database interface for stack note object data
- Export and import user settings for stack notes
- Provide mailto functionality for requesting new translatable texts
- Allow to configure frame color surrounding optionmenu wherein to choose std-annotations
- Avoid empty line between stack note elements even if gap_line option is set to zero