SMARTAnnotate Changelog
- New option 'enable_dynamic_3d_annotation_resizing': 3D annotations are auto-resized after the size of the graphical window area got changed. This will flush the undo redo buffer.
- Preview window for notes, symbols and tables displaying user-configured settings
- Export and import symbols to a local xml file including all user-configured settings like chosen groups and entered or chosen values
- Copy functionality for symbols that takes the user-configured settings from an existing one
- Enhanced rule functionality to auto-assign std-annotations to drawing sheets
- New button to collapse/expand the white value-related rows within the bottom area pool for std-annotations, notes and stack-notes
- Use default drawing sheet/combined state placement settings when importing std-annotations via user profile that were not created yet in drawing/model
- Compatibility restored to Creo version and later after PTC changed restrictions in the field of Creo/Toolkit API external data classes
- Ability to define the text format (height, italic, bold...) for notes and stack notes within pattern files (only 2D mode)
- New option 'enable_multi_language_custom_notes' to enable multi language custom notes that can be formatted using specific pattern file for 2d and 3d
- New options 'flag_note_pattern_file_path_*d' to define text attributes (height, font, bold...) for stack note flags in 2d and 3d
- New option 'show_id_column' to expose stack note ID in the user interface
- New option 'destination_comb_state_mode' to create 3D stack notes within just one or multiple combined states
- New option 'custom_notes_preserve_empty_lines' to preserve lines of custom notes that are either empty or consist of spaces only
- New option 'std_anno_mixed_flag_state' enabling the user to set a special std-annotation flag state that won't lead to a missing flag notification if no flag gets placed
- Additional tools dialog command added within overflow of the ribbon group 'Info'
- Admin documentation now accessible from within ribbon group 'Administration'
- New dashboard button for placing a note or stack notes flag multiple times
- Set prefix and suffix text for 3d stack note flags via called-out annotation element parameters
- Check for available std-annotation entries on update that are mandatory for the user to choose
- Compatibility requirement is Creo or higher
- New configuration option to set the name for a parameter to be created and pointing out which languages were used for content creation
- New configuration option to set the name for a parameter to be created and pointing out, whether batch translation is allowed for a model
- New configuration option to define the maximum number of languages which can be chosen by the user in addition to the main language
- Filter a long parameter value drop down list by user input and optionally enforce list value to be entered
- New options to configure the the amount of space between the stack note numbering and the corresponding text (2D and 3D)
- Ability to set a user defined stack note width
- Allow full interactive access to created flags of any type by options and ensure their text validity via save pre-action
- Save user adjusted settings for dashboard placement options into appdata of the client machine for later reuse
- For std-annotations all flag related ui functionality was moved from the flags tab and integrated into the tab Std-Annotation
- Notification center messages improved for missing flag issues
- Highlight corresponding notes, symbols or tables when a notification is selected within notification center
- Consider called out parameter values for stack note line wrapping instead of call-out syntax
- Show tooltips for messages within notification center
- Automatically activate the filter containing a std-annotation set when user dialog gets opened via the 'Modify' command
- Ensure slider is at the top of the scrollbar after machtes were updated for a entered search string (std-annotations, stack notes and notes)
- Include listing number for stack notes notification messages
- Restore offset attachment for symbols which lost connection to std-annotation symbols which were recreated on update
- Avoid mandatory std-annotation blocks to be auto-added what leads to overlapping with other sets
- Always show selectable std-annotation blocks for the active set even if this set is not assigned to the current filter
- Allow block-wise import of std-annotation sets from user profile that are already created within model
- Consider default add flag setting when a std-annotation block is checked or rather marked to be created
- Appearance of the traffic light icons improved to address the needs of color blindness
- Auto-apply changed flag states to an existing stack note when the user attempts to create the corresponding flag note
- Text wrapping improved for stack notes containing GD&T box syntax
- Cells of drawing table rows below a repeat region have not been translated
- Properly set solid postfix id of the chosen drawing solid for parameter call-outs using a digit specifier (e.g. &weight:15[.2])
- Update the tooltip of a stack note entry when it gets deselected in order to avoid that its previous number is displayed
- Crash occurs when dashboard repeat button is pressed while creating a note
- API: New option to control color depth for batch-created pdfs (color, grayscale or monochrome)
- Vertically align stack note lines via font dependent character to spaces mapping
- Global search option menu changed into a inputpanel
- Update annotation tree for solid models via regeneration after deleting annotations
- Create stack note header entry also if first added item is a custom note
- Avoid stack note header entry to be treated as regular note when imported from profile
- Administration dialog improvements
- Update status icon in parameter list immediately after usage of date function
- Initial release supporting Creo 7.0