SMARTAnnotate Changelog
- New options to restrict auto-adding of not selected mandatory std-annotation blocks to specific lifecycle state
- New API function 'SanNotificationRegisteredStatusGet': Get status whether there are any SMARTAnnotate related notifications registered for the model/drawing.
- New API function 'SanStdAnnotationSetBlocksRemove': Removes supplied blocks from a Std-Annotation Set and update the symbols
- New API function 'SanStdAnnotationSetsUpdate': Updates all Std-Annotation related symbols for the drawing/model
- New API function 'SanStdAnnotationSetPlacementGet': Provides the placement information for the given Std-Annotation Set within the model/drawing
- New API function 'SanStdAnnotationSetsGet': Gather Std-Annotation Set identifiers, that exist in the model/drawing
- New API function 'SanStdAnnotationSetsRemove': The given Std-Annotation Sets are removed from the model/drawing
- New API function 'SanStdAnnotationSetsWithMissingMandatoryBlocksAsMessageGet': Get a formatted message listing all Std-Annotation Sets and their mandatory blocks that have not yet been selected to be created within the model/drawing
- New API function 'SanStdAnnotationUserProfileExport': Export Std-Annotation Sets created in the model/drawing to a XML file giving the full file path
- New API function 'SanStdAnnotationUserProfileImport': Import Std-Annotation Sets via User Profile (XML) into model/drawing
- New API function 'SanSymbolsByIdsDelete': Delete symbol instances via their ids from a model/drawing
- Avoid user interface entries to move after an inputpanel or optionmenu was selected
- Display entered value within preview window after input component lost the focus
- Environment variable BUW_NO_GRAPHICS_BATCH_MODE is now obsolete
- Avoid exception window in case preview window tries to display a symbol that has all entities hidden
- Text ids are shown in user dialog that are intended to be translated
- State of checkbutton 'Allow batch translation' does not correctly reflect the value of parameter defined by option
- Do not consider chosen format definition for drawing sheet if format management was disabled by option 'enable_format_management'
- Solid mode Stack-Note flags are not properly deleted from owning annotation feature
- New ribbon command within administration group (overflow) to auto-create font character width mapping table used to vertically align stack notes
- Possibility to set active symbol groups for selectable and regular symbols within format definitions
- Define the placement coordinates of format tables and symbols drawing unit dependent
- Define the placement coordinates of std-annotation sets drawing unit dependent
- Pre-define 2D mode stacking direction for each std-annotation independently or reference the global setting of option 'expand_direction_2d'
- Define a scaling factor for std-annotation set symbols that will be applied in 3D mode
- Possibility to define the lifecycle state of a std-annotation set to be obsolete
- Improved and simplified mechanism to configure symbol stacking for std-annotations in solid mode
- Filter description bar beneath breadcrumb removed from user dialog. The description is now shown as tooltip within filter tree instead
- Bread crumb component removed from user interface (redundant, change filter/context via tree on the left hand side)
- Ribbon command Meta-Data is in solid mode now also active if no solid mode license option is available
- The indentation level is now stored into user profiles for Stack-Notes
- Option 'software_help_display_mode' deprecated. Documentation is now always displayed in Creo internal browser retrieved from buw support server
- When importing a symbol from user-profile the user-dependent values are now reset to defaults before user-defined values are applied
- Minor bug fixes
- New option 'enable_dynamic_3d_annotation_resizing': 3D annotations are auto-resized after the size of the graphical window area got changed. This will flush the undo redo buffer.
- Preview window for notes, symbols and tables displaying user-configured settings
- Export and import symbols to a local xml file including all user-configured settings like chosen groups and entered or chosen values
- Copy functionality for symbols that takes the user-configured settings from an existing one
- Enhanced rule functionality to auto-assign std-annotations to drawing sheets
- New button to collapse/expand the white value-related rows within the bottom area pool for std-annotations, notes and stack-notes
- Use default drawing sheet/combined state placement settings when importing std-annotations via user profile that were not created yet in drawing/model
- Compatibility restored to Creo version and later after PTC changed restrictions in the field of Creo/Toolkit API external data classes
- Initial release supporting Creo 9.0