SmartAssembly 9.0 Release Notes - last update January 6, 2025.
datecode 2022-07-22-01
The command ADD_ARRAY_ELEM failed since 2022-02-09-01 for invalid variables. This is fixed now.
The commands EXPORT_PDF and EXPORT_DRW_PDF failed since 2022-03-16-01 to export in a specific folder. This is fixed now.
The command JSON_INIT_DOCUMENT terminated Creo in case of an unnamed object. This is fixed now.
The commands XML_LOAD_DOCUMENT and XML_INIT_DOCUMENT failed for XML documents with a DTD header. This is fixed now.
The command SET_DIM_TEXT included the dimension prefix and suffix to the dimension text. This is fixed now.
The command CONVERT_MATRIX_TO_TRANSFORMATION delivered questions marks instead of a number in rare cases, due to a rounding error. This is fixed now.
The command GET_ANNOTATION_ELEMENT_NAME did not provide the name of 3d dimensions which where not part of an annotation feature since 2021-12-23-01. This is fixed now.
The command GET_REF_POS always returned the position 0/0/0 for searched annotations. This is fixed now.
The command CREATE_ANNOTATION_PLANE with option ANNOTATION_PLANE_OPTION.type set to REFERENCE was creating the annotation plane in the model which owned the reference and not in the specified model. This is fixed now.
The logical expression IF REF_TYPE DIMENSION did not accept reference dimensions. This if fixed now.
The commands USER_SELECT, USER_SELECT_MULTIPLE and USER_SELECT_OPTIONAL failed for filters which are retrieved from a different context. This is fixed now.
The command CREATE_DIM_ANNOTATION failed to create part level dimensions from the assembly context. This is fixed now.
The command SEARCH_DRW_ITEMS delivered different results of geometric tolerances for the currently active page of a drawing. This is fixed now.
The command MOVE_ANNOTATION_TO_PLANE did not work for geometric tolerances. This is fixed now.
The command READ_DIRECTORY failed since 2022-02-11-01 to retrieve all results from path wtpub: in case the folder contained a large number of files. This is fixed now.
The command SEARCH_DRW_ITEMS failed to find geometric tolerances which are placed on sub-level drawing view models. This is fixed now.
The logical expression REF_VALID was not evaluated as TRUE for sub-level geometric tolerance placements on dimensions. This is fixed now.
The command GROUP_FEATURES failed to group component features. This is fixed now.
The command EXCEL_ACTIVATE_DOCUMENT in some situations did not active the document correctly. This is fixed now.
The options USE_COMPONENT_COLOR and USE_COMPONENT_TEXTURE did not work correctly in some situations. This is fixed now.
In some situations the color and texture related commands did not work correctly for body references. This is fixed now.
The command REMOVE_ANNOTATION_ELEMENT_REF and SET_ANNOTATION_ELEMENT_REF_STRENGTH have been executed also in inaktive IF statements. This is fixed now.
The command PRINT showed small numbers close to zero as 0.000000 instead of 0. This is fixed now.
The option INTERF_MDL for the command FOR was sometimes collecting parts which were not intersecting, but just touching. This is fixed now.
Due to significant changes in the Creo API, the functions READ_XSEC_EX and CREATE_XSEC_EX did not work since Creo 4.0 M140 / Creo 6.0 M040 / Creo 7.0 an all following Creo releases. This is fixed now.
The command GET_ANNOTATION_TEXT_STYLE did not retrieve the font correctly, in case the default font was used. This is fixed now.
The command CREATE_DRW failed since 2022-03-16-01 when the Creo configuration option START_MODEL_DIR was locked by config.sup. This is fixed now.
The command GET_DIM_FEATURE failed for reference dimensions. This is fixed now.
The command COPY_FILE failed to work for models with a version number. This is fixed now.
The command CREATE_DRW did not set the PTC_COMMON_NAME correctly, unless the drawing template was in session. This is fixed now.
For several UI elements the translation mechanism did not work when the strings had been retrieved by GET_TRANSLATION. This is fixed now.
The commands DELETE_ANNOTATION_ELEMENT, DELETE_ANNOTATION_ELEMENTS, SET_ANNOTATION_ELEMENT and SET_ANNOTATION_ELEMENTS failed in some situations when the additional placement references have been restored. This is fixed now.
The commands GET_FAMITEM_VALUE and SET_FAMITEM_VALUE did not work for symbol names of pattern number dimensions.
The commands SET_COLOR and SET_COLOR_PROPS did not work for curves whose color was never changed manually. This is fixed now.
The logical expression ITERF_REC did not work correctly for sub components. This is fixed now.
The command REMOVE_WORKSPACE_OBJECTS did not work for family table instances which have been supplied by reference. This is fixed now.
The option VISIBLE_LINES for command USER_DROP_DOWN produced some unused white space at the end. This is fixed now.
The command TK_TASK_EXEC failed to work with named arguments since 2022-02-11-01. This is fixed now.
Support of Creo 9.0.
New option INSERT_AS_SINGLE_COMP for the command INSERT_FAMITEM to distinguish if a only the component itself or all occurrences should be inserted.
New option profile_unequal_dispostion for structure GTOL_SYMBOLS.
New command EXCEL_COPY_SHEET to copy an existing sheet in Excel.
New command EXCEL_MOVE_SHEET to move an existing sheet in Excel to another position.
New options INCLUDE_PREFIX and INCLUDE_SUFFIX for the GET_DIM_TEXT command allow to specify if the dimension prefix and suffix are part of the retrieved dimension text.
New command GET_ACTIVE_XSEC to get the reference of the active cross section feature.
Enabling the use of png images.
New command XML_APPEND_NODES allows to add existing nodes from the same or from another XML document.
The command GET_AUDIT_TRAIL is extended to retrieve more information from the history.
New logical expression IS_FAMITEM_VALUE_GENERIC to test if a family item value is specified as the default value.
New command CLEAR_MDL_APPEARANCES to clear the assembly appearances or all appearances of a model.
New math expressions equal, less, lessorequal, greater and greaterorequal to compare two values for a specified accuracy.
New NOTIFICATION options MDL_COPY_POST and MDL_COPY_POST_ALL which are called when a model and its sub-models are renamed.
New option INCLUDE_LINE for the commands GET_TAB_STACK and GET_TAB_NAME to include the line numbers to the output.
New option ALLOW_SELF for the command GET_GROUP_HEAD to determine if the result is allowed to be the same as the supplied input.
Enabled CATCH_ERROR support for command GET_GROUP_HEAD when the group could not be detected.
New command SET_XSEC_NAME to set the name of a cross sections.
datecode 2022-12-12-01
The command ADD_SELBUFFER after a SWITCH_TO_MDL could cause crashes in some situations. This is fixed now.
The notification types MDL_COPY_POST and MDL_COPY_POST_ALL are executed twice if they have been launched after creating a model by template before. This is fixed now.
The command GET_DATUM_TAG_ATTACHMENT failed for an attachment on a dimension witness line. This is fixed now.
The command SHOW_DRW_VIEW_ANNOTATION failed to show all notes in some situations. This is fixed now.
The command SAVE_MDL in Windchill with active Creo Parametric configuration option verify_on_save_by_default does not save the model to the workspace in some situations. This is fixed now.
The commands GET_PDM_STATE, GET_PDM_STATE_EX, GET_PDM_STORAGE, GET_PDM_STATE_BY_NAME and GET_PDM_STATE_BY_NAME_EX detected the wrong state for a model since 2022-02-11-01 which was just saved in the workspace. This is fixed now.
The command CREATE_DRW in a windchill environment saves the created drawing since 2022-07-21-01 to the workspace. This is fixed now.
The command GET_REF_POS did not work for datum tags. This is fixed now.
The command ODBC_CONNECT did not support windows environment variables in the connection string. This is fixed now.
The command EXPORT_DRW_PDF failed in Creo 4.0 if the option use_true_type_fonts was set to 2. The reason was, that this setting does not exist in Creo 4.0. This is fixed now.
The command GET_REF_TYPE did not show the correct type for surface finishes. This is fixed now.
The logical expressions IF REF_TYPEDATUM_TAG and SURFFINISH failed. This if fixed now.
The FOR loop was causing an error for an failed reference in Creo. This is fixed now.
The command GET_MOUSE_POINT failed for manufacturing models. This is fixed now.
Several commands have been failing for files specified by wtpub:<name> when upper case characters had been used. The reason is that Creo files are always in lower case characters, but Windchill is case sensitive.
In some situations special non ASCII symbols like typographic quotes could cause a crash. This is fixed now.
String Expressions with escaped quotes and exclamation marks have caused parsing errors. This is fixed now.
The command REPLACE_COMPONENT was causing a dashboard error even for activated STARTUP_TEMP_MDL, when starting from an empty session for the first time. This is fixed now.
The commands CREATE_XSEC and CREATE_XSEC_EX with flip option set to FALSE had blocked the manual flip functionality since Creo Parametric 9.0. Ths is fixed now.
Enhanced CATCH_ERROR support for command GET_COMB_VIEWS.
Enhanced CATCH_ERROR support for command SET_BROWSER_SIZE.
Enhanced CATCH_ERROR support for command GET_REF_ANNOTATION_PLANE.
Enhanced CATCH_ERROR support for the command ACTIVATE_INSERT_MODE.
Automatic refresh of the model tree after the command CANCEL_INSERT_MODE.
New command GET_VARIED_MDL to retrieve the varied model of a flexible component or an inheritance feature.
New option USE_VARIED_ITEM_OWNER for the commands INSERT_VARIED_ITEM and SET_VARIED_ITEM_VALUE to address the varied item for a flexible sub component or a nested inheritance feature.
datecode 2023-03-22-01
The command GET_FAMITEM_NAME returned for a component the symbol instead of the component name. This is fixed now.
The command CREATE_SMT_FLAT_PATTERN did not automatically add the flatten forms option. This is fixed now.
The command GET_DRW_DIM_TEXT_POS was failing for ordinate dimensions. This is fixed now.
The command SHOW_DRW_SHEET_DIM was failing in case the dimension belonged to a sub model of the drawing view. This is fixed now.
The JSON commands did not work properly with empty arrays due to the used RapidJSON library. The problem was solved by using the JSON for Modern C++ library instead.
The FOR loop option INTERF_MDL and the IF condition INTERF did not work for situations where the interference volume could not be calculated. This is fixed now for the Creo Parametric versions,, and above.
The commands MEASURE_RADIUS and MEASURE_DIAMETER have returned 0 for sphere surfaces. This is fixed now.
The command ZOOM_TO_REF with factor -1 was zooming differently like using Zoom to Selected. This is fixed now.
Environment variables defined by the Creo dollar syntax ($...) did no longer work for configuration paths since 2022-02-11-01 and probably affects also other functions. This is fixed now.
The command READ_SUBDIRECTORIES removed the parts of a directory name which followed after a dot since 2022-02-11-01. This is fixed now.
The command GET_PATTERN was failing for suppressed patterns since 2022-02-09-01. This is fixed now.
The command GET_ANNOTATION_REFS did not provide all references for surface sets. This is fixed now.
The commands CREATE_UDF, CREATE_UDF_EX and HIGHLIGHT_REF failed in some situations when references had been searched before they have been affected by modifications. This is fixed now by reallocating the references.
The commands SEARCH_MDL_REF(S) and SEARCH_FEAT_REF(S) for the type ANNOTATION found also normal dimensions. This is fixed now.
The UDF constraint UDF_DEFAULT_BODY did not work correctly. This is fixed now.
New commands GET_ANNOTATION_PLANE and READ_ANNOTATION_PLANE to retrieve the information of an existing annotation plane.
New commands GET_DIM_ANNOTATION_ORIGIN and SET_DIM_ANNOTATION_ORIGIN to set the origin side of a dimension annotation.
New commands GET_DIM_TOL_DECIMALS and SET_DIM_TOL_DECIMALS to get and set the number of digits of a dimension tolerance.
Creo Parameters of type Real Number with value nan can now be searched and identified by the logical expression PARAM_VALID.
New command GET_ANNOTATION_ENVELOPE retrieves information about the outline of dimension, symbol, notes, geometric tolerances and surface finish annotations.
New command REMOVE_EXPLODE_STATE to remove an existing explode state.
New command GET_CSYS_ORIENTATION to retrieve the orientation matrix of a coordinate system.
New commands GET_GTOL_DRFS, GET_DRF_CSYS_DEFINED, GET_DRF_CSYS_ORIENTATION, SET_DRF_CSYS_ORIENTATION and GET_DRF_CSYS for working with datum reference frames of geometric tolerances.
New commands CREATE_DATUM_TAG, READ_DATUM_TAG and DELETE_DATUM_TAG for working with datum tags.
New reference type DATUM_TARGET which can be used in SEARCH_MDL_REF and USER_SELECT.
New commands CREATE_DATUM_TARGET, READ_DATUM_TARGET and DELETE_DATUM_TARGET for working with datum targets.
New command MODIFY_DIM_ANNOTATION to modify an existing annotation dimension.
New commands FLIP_DRW_VIEW_SECTION and GET_DRW_VIEW_SECTION_FLIP to flip a drawing view section and to retrieve its flip state.
New command GET_FEATURE_SKETCH_DIMS_WITH_REFS to determine the sketched dimensions of a feature which refer to elements outside the feature.
New member source_mdl for the structure COPY_GEOMETRY_OPTION, to determine the source model which should be used fro the copy geometry operation.
New command GET_UDF_NAME to retrieve the name and the instance name of a created UDF.
New reference type DRAWING_TABLE_CELL to be used for selections.
The commands WINWORD_GET_BOOKMARK_TEXT and WINWORD_SET_BOOKMARK_TEXT are now also working on bookmarks in control elements.
New commands SETUP_SURFACE_COLLECTION, SETUP_CURVE_COLLECTION, READ_COLLECTION, CREATE_COLLECTION and GET_COLLECTION_REFS to read and create collections and to inquiry their references.
New member collections for structure COPY_GEOMETRY_OPTION in order to use collection when creating copy geometry features.
New members included_collections and excluded_collections for SHRINKWRAP_OPTION in order to use collections when creating shrinkwrap features.
datecode 2023-04-06-01
The command MODIFY_DIM_ANNOTATION was using only the first dimension sense from ANNOTATION_DIM_OPTION.array_dim_sense, even if multiple had been specified. This is fixed now.
The new collection types BODY_SRFS and ALL_BODY_SRFS have been missing. This is fixed now.
The command CREATE_SHRINKWRAP failed for collections of an external model in case the model was selected from an assembly context. This is fixed now.
The command SEARCH_MDL_REF failed to search for DIMENSION with the name ID_10. This is fixed now.
The command DELETE_REF_PARAM failed to work for annotation elements. This is fixed now.
The commands SET_REF_PARAM and DELETE_REF_PARAM did not work for annotation which were not part of an annotation feature. This is fixed now.
New commands WINWORD_GET_ACTIVEX_TEXT and WINWORD_SET_ACTIVEX_TEXT to read and write data from and to ActiveX controls in Microsoft Word.
New command GET_ANNOTATION_PLANES to find annotation planes of a model by name.
datecode 2023-04-18-01
The command ACTIVATE_XSEC did not work after a SWITCH_TO_MDL command since it was based on internal mapkeys. This was replaced for Creo 4 M080 / Creo / Creo and above.
The command ZOOM_TO_REF with factor -1 was not working well with mixed units.
The command READ_DATUM_TAG failed in cases where the leader could not be defined as an elbow. This is fixed now.
The function itos failed for note parameters. This is fixed now.
The command READ_DATUM_TARGET did not return the correct values for DATUM_TARGET_OPTION.annotation_plane and attachment. This is fixed now.
The command GET_COMB_VIEW_ANNOTATIONS did not find annotation elements for models with assembly level cuts or flexible models. This is fixed now.
datecode 2023-04-27-01
The command CONVERT_MATRIX_TO_TRANSFORMATION was normalizing the matrix since 2022-07-21-01. For invalid transformation matrices with a x-orientation vector of 0/0/0 which was leading to a different output like in previous releases. This is fixed now.
datecode 2023-05-10-01
The UDF constraint UDF_CHECK_FOR_SURFACE_FEATURES did not work correctly for negative values since 2022-07-21-01. This is fixed now.
datecode 2023-07-14-01
New configuration option DATA_CAPTURE_MODE for setting the default data capturing mode.
New command GET_WITNESS_LINE_DIM for receiving the reference to the dimension for a witness line.
The command GET_ACTIVE_COMB_VIEW was returning wrong results for combined views with simplified representations which were not the master representation. This is fixed now.
The command CONVERT_MATRIX_TO_TRANSFORMATION was normalizing the matrix since 2022-07-21-01. For invalid transformation matrices with a x-orientation vector of 0/0/0 which was leading to a different output like in previous releases. This is fixed now.
The command ZIP did not use the correct character encoding for foreign languages for file names. This is fixed now.
The command ZOOM_TO_REF was zooming to infinite depth for references without geometry since 2023-04-18-01. This is fixed now.
The command ADD_SEARCH_PATH was not automatically adding quotes around paths with spaces. This is fixed now.
Assigning a percentage character to a number was causing a crash. This is fixed now.
When using REGEN_MDL in the graphical user interface and immediately clicking the Ok or Cancel button, the interface could become locked in rare situations. This is fixed now.
The command GET_ANNOTATION_ENVELOPE computed wrong results for rotated reference origins. This is fixed now.
The command GET_ANNOTATION_ENVELOPE did not work for datum tags. This is fixed now.
The command CLEAR_MDL_APPEARANCES did not clear all colors and had a poor performance. This is fixed now.
The command SET_REF_PARAM failed to create boolean parameters. This is fixed now.
The commands GET_REF_ID and GET_REF_TYPE failed for a witness line reference. This is fixed now.
The widget for USER_LIST_BOX for multiple multiple selections was always scrolling op to the first line and not to the selected line. This is fixed now.
The command REMOVE_WORKSPACE_OBJECTS fails for family table instance which are a supplied by their instance name. This is fixed now.
Since datecode 2022-01-17-01 there was a loss in performance for file based operations which is fixed now.
The command ODBC_QUERY truncated strings to the length of 1024 since datecode 2021-07-12-01. This is fixed now.
datecode 2023-07-17-01
The command WEBSERVICE_CALL did not decrypt custom headers which contained password information from GET_AUTHENTICATION. This is fixed now.
The command CONFIG_ELEM showed an empty dialog since datecode 2023-07-14-01 when no widgets were available. This is fixed now.
datecode 2023-08-16-01
The Login and Password entry field size of the command PASSWORD_DIALOG was extended to 1024 characters.
New option SCALE_UV for the command CALC_PARAM_POS.
The command GET_ACTIVE_COMB_VIEW was returning wrong results for combined views with simplified representations which were not the master representation. This is fixed now.
The command USE_LIBRARY_MDL did not work if let_proe_rename_pdm_objects=no was locked in the config.sup file since 2022-07-21-01. This is fixed now.
The command GET_COMB_VIEW_ANNOTATIONS listed removed datum features for combined views with supplementary geometry. This is fixed now.
The command RESET_STOPWATCH did not work correctly without using the STOP_STOPWATCH command. This is fixed now.
The command USE_LIBRARY_MDL did not retrieve suppressed components since 2022-02-11-01. This is fixed now.
The environment variable replacement for paths with $ signs caused issues for non existing environment variables. This is fixed now.
The command SET_TEXTURE_PLACEMENT_PROPS was failing in some situations. This is fixed now.
The command SET_VARIED_ITEM_VALUE failed in some situations. This is fixed now.
datecode 2023-08-24-01
New option %s for command GET_TIME_STRING to get the number of seconds since 1.1.1970.
New option FOLLOW_REDIRECT for command WEBSERVICE_CALL to handle response codes between 300 and 308 automatically.
New option ENCODE_URL for command WEBSERVICE_CALL to encode the supplied URL in percentage encoding.
The commands SEARCH_MDL_REF and SEARCH_MDL_REFS for PART, ASSEMBLY or COMPONENT was in some situations also delivering internal substitute models. This is fixed now.
The command WEBSERVICE_CALL misinterpreted JSON data as binary content for specific response header types.
In case other Toolkit retrieved OpenSSL libraries of another version before, the error message "Wrong OpenSSL Version" was appearing on the screen. This is fixed now.
The command USE_LIBRARY_MDL did not work correctly when using the option NAME_TEMPLATE with variables. This is fixed now.
datecode 2023-09-06-01
New option INCLUDE_DRAWING for the command RETRIEVE_MDL to retrieve a drawing of the same name than as the model.
The performance issue for RETRIEVE_MDL with the option INCLUDE_DRAWINGS in Windchill is resolved.
The command CREATE_DRW_VIEW_DIM_ORDINATE_BASELINE did calculate the orientation correctly on assembly drawings. This is fixed now.
The option DEBUG_TAB_MEMORY_USAGE showed huge numbers when when the memory usage decreased. This is fixed now.
Since datecode 2023-08-16-01 the command GET_ACTIVE_COMB_VIEW did no longer deliver "DEFAULT" for the standard state if this was not the default state. This is fixed now.
The command USE_LIBRARY_MDL failed to scan the option NAME_TEMPLATE for a special syntax correctly when spaces had been included. This is fixed now.
datecode 2023-09-19-01
Performance improvement for the command USE_LIBRARY_MDL in specific conditions.
The command CREATE_DRW provided an undefined reference in case a drawing of the same name already exists. This is fixed now by using the existing drawing.
The command GET_NC_TOOL_TIPS failed for head number 0 which is provided by READ_NC_STEP for work centers which only have one head. The issue is fixed now.
datecode 2023-09-19-01
Performance improvement for the command USE_LIBRARY_MDL by avoiding erasing and re-retrieving models if possible.
datecode 2023-10-04-01
The command SEARCH_MDL_PARAM caused a crash since 2023-03-22-01 in case it searches in a suppressed pattern. This is fixed now.
The command CONFIG_HTML did not launch a tab file since 2023-08-24-01. This is fixed now.
The commands JSON_SET_OBJECT, JSON_SET_ARRAY and JSON_SET_NULL had caused crashes for wrong paths. This is fixed now.
The command SEND_MAIL did not work correctly since 2023-08-24-01. This is fixed now.
The command USE_LIBRARY_MDL showed performance issues for Creo and above. This is fixed now.
datecode 2023-10-05-01
The command USE_LIBRARY_MDL showed performance issues for Creo and above. This is fixed now.
The command SET_ACTIVE_COMB_VIEW failed for DEFAULT since 2023-09-06-01. This is fixed now.
datecode 2023-10-09-01
The command SEND_MAIL did sent garbled characters for HTML formatted mails with a footer since 2022-12-12-01. This is fixed now.
The command READ_DIRECTORY did not work correctly for filters with multiple types since 2023-07-14-01. This is fixed now.
The command SEARCH_FILE_PARAM did not work correctly in case the receiving variable already contained a value. This is fixed now.
datecode 2023-10-11-01
The command EXCEL_CREATE_SHEET did calculate the position correctly in some situations. This is fixed now.
The command USE_LIBRARY_MDL failed for generic assemblies with operation asm_copy since 2023-07-17-01. This is fixed now.
The command CALC_GLOBAL_INTERFERENCE with the option CHECK_SUBASMS tested only for parts which were immediate children of the assembly. This is fixed now.
datecode 2023-10-19-01
The command READ_DIM_ANNOTATION will now also detect references for driving dimensions.
The command GET_COMB_VIEW_ANNOTATIONS provided the wrong assembly component path for multi level inheritance model which uses the same model on different locations. This is fixed now.
The command GET_REF_TYPE did not work for annotation elements from the selection buffer. This is fixed now.
The commands SEARCH_MDL_REF and SEARCH_MDL_REFS did not work for inheritance models and flexible components since Creo This is fixed now.
datecode 2023-11-20-01
New option INSERT_AS_MERGE_PART for the command INSERT_FAMITEM to control if a merge or inheritance feature should be inserted as plain feature or as merge part.
The assignment operator = is not able to assign arrays, structures and maps.
Arrays, maps and structures can now be compared for equal '=' and unequal '<>'.
The command CREATE_SYMBOL did not properly show symbols which are created flat to screen. This is fixed now.
The command SET_MDL_NAME failed for models which are managed from Windchill outside a Windchill session since 2023-08-16-01. This is fixed now.
The command IMPORT_FEATURE failed in Creo 10.0 for importing features in sheetmetal parts. This is fixed now.
The command IF REF_TYPE .. ANNOTATION_ELEMENT was not evaluated correctly for dimensions. This is fixed now.
The command SET_ANNOTATION_POS did not work for datum tags. This is fixed now.
The command GET_DRW_ANNOTATION_VISIBILITY did not work correctly for datum targets. This if fixed now.
datecode 2023-11-27-01
New command IMPORT_TO_WORKSPACE to import an array of models to the current workspace.
Using the LINK option in the sel_list.txt fails on modification if the link is created outside the component_engine folder. This is fixed now.
The command USE_LIBRARY_MDL with operation asm_copy did since 2023-09-13-01 in same situations not rename non assembled family table instances. This is fixed now.
datecode 2023-12-14-01
New command GET_MDLFILE_DEPENDENCIES to get all direct dependencies of an Assembly or Drawing.
The command CREATE_SHRINKWRAP was failing for collections created by CREATE_COLLECTION with the instruction ALL_BODY_SRFS and searched components. This is fixed now.
When using the USE_32BIT_DRIVER option for ODBC_CONNECT, the command ODBC_QUERY did not support strings with newlines. This is fixed now.
The command SEARCH_DRW_VIEW_DIMS failed to find dimension which are shown from a nested inheritance model. This is fixed now.
The command CREATE_DRW did not work in Windchill when the drawing template is in session. This is fixed now.
The commands SEARCH_DRW_ITEM and SEARCH_DRW_ITEMS did not find geometrical tolerances shown from inherited models. This is fixed now.
The command GET_INTENT_MEMBERS failed for intent surfaces create by tangency or shape. This is fixed now for Creo,,, and above.
The commands SEARCH_FEAT_REF and SEARCH_FEAT_REFS did not work for INTENT_SURFACE and INTENT_EDGE. This is fixed now.
datecode 2023-12-21-01
The command GET_FAMITEMS provided the family item names instead of the instances since 2023-03-22-01. This is fixed now.
The commands SET_ANNOTATION_POS, MODIFY_SYMBOL and CREATE_SYMBOL are placing flat-to-screen symbols on the wrong position since Creo,, and and above. This occurs because of a bug in Creo Toolkit which is compensated now.
The command GET_DRW_DIM_ATTACHED did not work for Creo 9.0 and above due to a change in Creo Toolkit. This is fixed now, by a new approach.
The command REMOVE_ANNOTATION_ELEMENT_REF did not work correctly for surface and chain collections. This is fixed now.
datecode 2024-01-03-01
The command GET_FAMITEMS returned names for family table items which were no components since 2023-12-21-01. This is fixed now.
datecode 2024-01-09-01
datecode 2024-08-01-01
The command READ_DIM_ANNOTATION will now also detect references for driving dimensions.
The commands READ_HOLE, MODIFY_HOLE and CREATE_HOLE are now supporting holes with sketched placement which are available since Creo 8.0.
New command READ_GENERAL_MERGE to read merge and inheritance features.
New command MODIFY_GENERAL_MERGE to modify merge and inheritance features.
New commands GET_ANNOTATION_DESIGNATION and SET_ANNOTATION_DESIGNATION to read and set the designation status of annotations and annotation elements.
Support of mixing the concepts of tab file based licensing and signatures.
New option STEP_SIZE for the command EXPORT_FILE with type STL.
The command CREATE_SYMBOL, READ_SYMBOL and MODIFY_SYMBOL are now also supporting offset symbols in solid models for Creo 10.0 and above.
New command SET_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE to set and environment variable.
New options PATCH and OPTIONS for command WEBSERVICE_CALL.
New command GET_DRW_SYMBOL_LEADERS to retrieve a list of leaders for a given drawing symbol.
New command READ_DRW_SYMBOL to retrieve all data from a given drawing symbol.
New command RESET_HOLE_NOTE resets the note of the hole feature.
New command GET_MDL_ITERATION to retrieve the file version.
New command CONVERT_3D_TO_FTS to get the flat to screen coordinates for a given 3D Point.
New command GET_GRAPHICVIEW_BOUNDARY to retrieve the bounding box coordinate of the graphics view.
New commands GET_PROPAGATE_ANNOTATION and SET_PROPAGATE_ANNOTATION to read and set propagation setting options for annotation elements.
New commands READ_COPY_GEOMETRY and MODIFY_COPY_GEOMETRY to read and modify copy geometry features.
New Commands READ_SHRINKWRAP and MODIFY_SHRINKWRAP to read and modify shrinkwrap features.
New option propagate_annotation_option for the structures COPY_GEOMETRY_OPTION, SHRINK_WRAP_OPTION and GENERAL_MERGE_OPTION.
Automatically retrieve the source model in session for READ_GENERAL_MERGE, MODIFY_GENERAL_MERGE, READ_COPY_GEOMETRY and CREATE_COPY_GEOMETRY.
New command CREATE_REF_PARAM to create a parameter for a specified reference.
New option description in the structure MATERIAL to retrieve and set the description of a material.
The commands GET_FAMITEM_NAME and GET_FAMITEM_SYMBOL were producing reversed results for some item types. This is fixed now.
The commands SET_FLEXIBLE and SET_FLEXIBLE_PREDEFINED are causing issues when the same models are assembled multiple times. This is fixed now.
The configuration option BRACKET_FUNCTION with the argument BEFORE was calling the tab files twice. This is fixed now.
Opening and closing the configuration editor frequently was causing BRACKET_FUNCTION tab files to be executed several times. This is fixed now.
The command GET_ANNOTATION_ELEMENT_REFS failed in case no references are found at all. This is fixed now.
The command READ_EXPLODE_STATE failed in case the explode state contained translations or rotations from removed or suppressed components. This is fixed now.
The FOR loop option INTERF_MDL failed to recognize intersections of assembly level visible quilts and sub assembly components since 2022-07-21-01. This is fixed now.
The command SET_SYMBOL_VAR_TEXT changes the location of a flat-to-screen symbol since Creo / / / due to a bug in Creo Toolkit. This is fixed now by a workaround.
The command SAVE_MDL with options INCLUDE_DRAWINGS or CHECK_SAVED and missing components was crashing in rare situations. This is fixed now.
The command SEARCH_FEAT_PARAM in the graphical user interface does not work correctly for component features. This is fixed now.
In the graphical user interface it rare situation the commands between IF and ELSE_IF or ELSE are not executed correctly.
The option SHOW_GROUP for the commands CREATE_DRW_SYMBOL, CREATE_DRW_SYMBOL_EX, CREATE_DRW_VIEW_SYMBOL and CREATE_DRW_VIEW_SYMBOL_EX failed for using a string variable since 2023-11-20-01.
The command GET_PREDEFINED_FLEXIBLE_ITEMS did not work correctly since 2022-12-12-01. This is fixed now.
The command READ_SYMBOL failed for symbols without variable texts. This is fixed now.
The commands DELETE_ANNOTATION_ELEMENT(S), ADD_ANNOTATION_ELEMENT(S) and SET_ANNOTATION_ELEMENT have removed model parameters due to a Creo Toolkit bug in Creo,, - 9.0.70 and - This is fixed now by a workaround for the affected Creo versions.
The command CREATE_HOLE did not show the callout note correctly since Creo 10.0 due to a Toolkit bug. This this is fixed now.
The command GET_SURFACE_TYPE did not recognize fillet surfaces correctly. This is fixed now.
The commands SET_MDL_PARAM, SET_FEAT_PARAM and SET_REF_PARAM have accidentally converted the value for parameters of type DOUBLE in case it was set to a different length unit as the unit of the model. This is fixed now.
In a specific situation a datum tag annotation created in the solid model and shown on a drawing was disappearing when the solid model shows up. This is fixed now.
New simplified representation type AUTOMATIC for the commands ACTIVATE_SIMPREP, GET_ACTIVE_SIMPREP and RETRIEVE_MDL with option *USE_SIMPREP**.
datecode 2024-12-23-01
The command GET_REF_POS did not work correctly for selected geometrical tolerances. This is fixed now.
The command CREATE_GENERAL_PATTERN and MODIFY_GENERAL_PATTERN did not work correctly for dimensional patterns with only one instance since Creo This is fixed now.
In rare situations random SmartAssembly crashes at startup. This is fixed now.
The commands READ_SYMBOL and READ_DRW_SYMBOL did not determine GTOL placement references correctly. This is fixed now.
The commands SET_MDL_PARAM and INSERT_VARIED_ITEM did not work correctly for dimensions with default names d<number>. This is fixed now.
The command FIND_ARRAY_ELEM did not work in the graphical user interface for references. This is fixed now.
The command **SET_TEXTURE_PROPS ** did not work correctly since datecode 2023-08-16-01. This is fixed now.
The command READ_DIM_ANNOTATION initialized the members of the structure DIMENSION_ANGLE_SENSE by the wrong data type. This is fixed now.
The command GET_REF_TYPE for specific vertex points showed UNKNOWN. This is fixed now.
Paths which includes environment variables specified by the Microsoft notation %...% are not resolved correctly. This is fixed now.
The command RETRIEVE_MDL failed for family table instances which where called by their name and not by the generic<instance> notation since 2020-10-28-01. This is fixed now.
The command SET_CURRENT_MDL was causing SmartDesignServer sessions in NO_GRAPHIS mode to fail for subsequent RETRIEVE_MDL commands. This is fixed now.
The command GET_DRW_VIEW_PNT_COORD fails for specific vertex type. This is fixed now.
The command SEARCH_MDL_REFS found non active simplified representation substitute components. This is fixed now.
The command READ_DIM_ANNOTATION listed a specific sense of a dimension as KEFT0 instead of LEFT0 This is fixed now.
The commands GET_REF_POS and GET_DRW_VIEW_REF_POS did not work correctly for searched drawing draft entities.
The command GET_REF_POS determined wrong locations for selected drawing draft entities.
The command CREATE_GENERAL_PATTERN created in some situations an external when applied in an assembly context. This is fixed now for Creo / and above.
The commands LOOKUP_FAMINSTANCE and LOOKUP_FAMINSTANCES failed for dimensions in case their tolerances had also be inserted to the family tables. This is fixed now.
datecode 2025-01-06-01
The commands GET_EDGE_LENGTH and GET_CURVE_LENGTH have used the edge or curve start instead of the end reference since 2024-12-23-01. This is fixed now.