SMARTElectrode Changelog
- Allow disabling of electrodes or workpieces in Burnsheet UI. Disabled components can still be edited and enabled again. Disabled components are not checked for interference or touching faces. During export these components are skipped and won't show up in export results. This functionality can be used to disable outdated workpiece geometry or to avoid output of construction dummies or advanced electrode designs like gate electrodes. [RM-4595]
- Add interface for Sodick LNPro. This interface is available as license option. [RM-14630]
- Integrate header for Soflex factory automation into output for AC Form (xmlj). Information for Soflex is added as comment to the file using a new keyword with value 'SE_INSERT:<config to insert>' followed by : and name of the postprocessor configuration to insert. This behavior allows to add additional output to all exising postprocessors and exports. [RM-13903]
- Export: provide necessary export profiles with installation. Profiles available in configuration after installation: processor/ZK/pp/def_profile.dep_step (includes datums, utilizes protocol 'ap242') and processor/MAKINO/pp/def_profile.dep_para (exclude datums and bodies). [RM-14257]
- Export: Add all axes to hidden layer 'SE_EXPORT_TEMP' before any 3d export file (IGES, STEP, ...) is written. Embedded axes in Extrude or Hole features are also considered. [RM-14469]
- Postprocessor AC Form: consider undersize quantity in export. For example two roughing and one finishing electrode are leading to three Tools and three ShapeTools in export. [RM-14353]
- Interface for Ingersoll Multiprog (MPG): define technology on first occurance of electrode and call by name for subsequent positions.
- Remove check of model status and enforced regeneration to avoid continuous update of model data. [RM-14267]
- Drawing creation may finish with incomplete drawings when working with active workspace and Creo option 'dm_upload_objects automatic'. Automatic upload to sever-side workspace may result in a conflict if previous save operations are still unfinished. Removed automatic erase of drawings from session and number of save operations are reduced to avoid this issue. [RM-14852]
- Drawing creation: in some cases a newly merged drawing with applied simplified representation overwrites the simplified representation applied to a repeat region on another sheet. Affected tables (templates ASM_OPERATION and ASM_EDM) are now automatically recreated. [RM-7504]
- Fix failing assembly of holder in Creo 9.0. [RM-14750]
- Fix using base groups with rectangular sketches and no frames. The automatic enlargement of the base size when no matching template is found takes the frame width (FRAME_WIDTH) into account when calculating the new size. This creates a base with values for A_BASE and B_BASE that are too large. [RM-14670]
- Delete supplier, type and selected instance when base group is deleted. This prevents display of wrong information in burnlist and output. Parameters "SE_EDM_SUPPLIER", "SE_EDM_TYPE" and "SE_EDM_SIZE" are internally set to "-". [RM-14338]
- Base UI: Avoid premature exit for corrupt geometry in auto-attach. Show detailed message for faces that couldn't be processed. [RM-14622]
- Assemble Again UI: fix wrong preview position when auxiliary csys are not correctly defined. Overhaul UI: move pushbutton "Creo constraints" to commit bar and add pushbutton to reset position to origin. [RM-14605]
- Read correct operation definition considering assembly structure (asmcomppath). Only operations on top-level can be activated or edited. Operations on sub-assembly level are readonly. [RM-14503]
- Reread operation zero when group is resumed. [RM-14485]
- Make sure to use current model-data in Base UI. [RM-14442]
- Postprocessor AC Form: Correct calculation of <PrepToolLength>. Use electrode height (&z_size) as default for now. Total length of tool is defined as height of electrode minus part inserted in holder.
- Avoid crash if electrode base data can't be initialized in Holder or Manufacturing UI. [RM-14332]
- Fix wrong calculation of D1 (normal distance from FREE_FACE to workpiece) if initial position of base is below workpiece outline. When adding the base to electrode solid, SMARTElectrode calculates the initial distance D1 from workpiece to FREE_FACE using tessellated data. The electrode outline is extended by option value LATERAL_KEEPOUT_DISTANCE in X/Y/Z direction (RM-13766). Electrode outline may not completely overlap workpiece outline if initial position of base is much below workpiece outline. Therefore calculated (negative) D1 is too small and optimization of base position fails. This issues is solved by extending the electrode outline in +Z direction to securly overlap workpieces in that area. [RM-14331]
- Check for availability of unit system on creation of new models. A new unit system is created if named unit system is missing. This avoids problems if unit system of assembly template and part template differ. [RM-14007]
- Enhance calculation of default start and secure position. Result was depended on position of EDM_ORIGIN csys. This led to disadvantageous or even wrong start positions for electrodes. Now the contour height of electrode is taken into account when positions are calculated. Adjustment of operation default planes may be necessary to respond appropriately to the new behavior. The new behavior is available for all assemblies from current versions. [RM-13762]
- Option UI: introduce new option #Electrode #LATERAL_KEEPOUT_DISTANCE to define the minimum distance in XY direction from the base that must not be disturbed by workpiece geometry. Option value will be added to electrode's base outline in XY direction before Z position of a new base is adjusted. The Z position will be increased to avoid an interference of workpiece geometry with keepout volume. Default: 0 [RM-13766]
- Option UI: introduce new option #Electrode #SOLID_CONTOUR_CLEARANCE to define minimum XY clearance from solid contour in XY direction. Option value will be added to electrode's solid contour before blank size selection and defines the minimum blank size. Default: 0 [RM-13765]
- Allow export of Creo View files. Use keywords 'SE_EDM_BACKUP_PVS' or 'SE_EDM_BACKUP_PVZ' in export template to create a file structure for Creo View (PVS) or a zipped archieve of the files (PVZ). PVS creates a *.pvs for the file structure and numerated *.ol files containing viewable geometry. Outdated formats ED and EDZ are not supported. [RM-13699]
- Base UI: prefer template without rotation (C=0°) if several templates with same blank dimensions are available. [RM-10543]
- Operation UI: usage of option DEFAULT_START_DATUM=-1 sets workpiece height as offset for selected csys. This is not necessary anymore. With RM-13762 calculation of default start position takes contour height of electrode into account and therefore avoids collisions with workpiece geometry. Option value can be adjusted in #Options #Operation #DEFAULT_START_DATUM. [RM-13877]
- Base UI: allow locking/unlocking of automatic calculation of free blank dimensions. After unlocking automtic calculation the default behavior for inputs will be activated. Locked blank size changes Z-position of base on input. With the blank size unlocked, the Z position of the blank length stays fixed on input. [RM-13672]
- Allow renaming of manufacturing assembly and workpiece in Manufacturing UI and Rename UI. In some cases a renamed electrode may not meet the naming format anymore. The new functionality addresses this issue. [RM-13988]
- Don't automatically delete failed cutout features in electrode model. Size of cutout or model accuracy can be adjusted by user manually to fix feature. [RM-13948]
- Adjust mapkeys to create wireframe styles for electrodes and workpieces. [RM-13966]
- Fix error when calculating the free base size if no sufficiently large blank was found in the blank list. New default value for SOLID_CONTOUR_CLEARANCE (1.0 mm or 0.05 in) makes sure that calculated blank is always larger than electrode contour. Furthermore a fix blank length from blank list won't be overwritten during calculation if its size is sufficient. [RM-10219]
- Definition of start and secure position: in some cases a rotated EDM origin is useful. (1) for definition of a user-defined start position or (2) if EDM origin uses an iverted Z-direction (NC setup). In those cases either the display of start and secure or calculated parameters have been wrong. This error is fixed. Csys SE_EDM_BASE will be considered for calculation of rotation angles ignoring any rotations applied to EDM origin. EDM origin is only used to evaluate position of electrode. For legacy electrodes from version prior SMARTElectrode 8.0 EDM_ORIGIN will be used instead of EDM_ORIGIN_TOP. [RM-13878]
- Drawing UI: drawings of newly added electrodes are not created if assembly drawing with position sheets already exists. Retrieval of assembly drawing with positions sheet activates the simplified representation of last sheet. All other electrodes are then suppressed by simplified representation and skipped during drawing creation. Changed behavior to activate previously used simplified representation again after retrieval of assembly drawing. [RM-13905]
- Add frequently used commands to mini toolbar. Commands are context specific available in assembly mode, active component mode and modeltree. [RM-13293]
- Calculate simplified contact area by using intersected outline of EDM and workpiece. This avoids too big results caused by supporting geometry. [RM-13575]
- Improve performance when reading data from assembly with many workpieces. [RM-13516]
- Avoid flushing of undo/redo buffer while running SMARTElectrode. [RM-12560]
- Burnsheet UI: tree does not reflect structure of modeltree. Models are only grouped by name not considering assembly level. Fix: tree now shows assembly structure and groups same models taking assembly level into account. [RM-13514]
- Check UI: allow interference check in active component mode in Creo Parametric and later. [RM-13123][RM-12837]
- Fix wrong calculation of electrode contour outline if features intersect base. [RM-11387]
- Fix wrong caluculation of frontal distance D1 on adjustment of base position. [RM-11091]
- Reset temporary Creo options when Drawing UI is closed with setting for combined electrode and position drawing (MERGE_EDM_POSITIONING_SHEETS=4). Skipped reset leads to a changed value for START_MODEL_DIR which prevents creation of new electrodes and assemblies. Necessary options will be temporary set when assembly views are copied to electrode drawing.
- Fix problem when Base UI is opened if working in a different electrode assembly before.
- Allows editing of parameters from several selected objects. Properties UI can be accessed from ribbon, modeltree and Burnsheet UI. Different values will be shown as bold Status quo. Changes values will be set for all selected objects on confirmation. Consider different behavior for part and component parameters. To change a part parameter for all positions it sufficient to select only one appearance. To change a component parameter for all positions its necessary to select all positions. [RM-12842]
- Replaced outdated options dialog in SMARTElectrode with new standard. [RM-12059]
- Added custom functionality for customer Besi. [RM-12086]
- Measuring points can be added to template now. Use general datum points or field points to add measuring points to template. Each point feature has to carry a parameter "SE_QMM_POINTS". General datum point features may include multiple points. Measuring points from general point features can't be edited in UI. Please note that deleting in UI deletes the whole feature without further notification. [RM-11335]
- Allow creation of dimensions when manufacturing drawing is created from template. Additional rows can be added to my_drawing_format.cfg using template name in column 1. Please refer to Getting Started document to learn more about my_drawing_format.cfg. [RM-12475]
- Export to Zimmer&Kreim Alphamoduli: introduced additional parameters for quality measuring for logical electrode. TolMin: Allowed lower tolerance for the quality measuring TolMax: Allowed upper tolerance for the quality measuring PresetStylus: Stylus name for preset PresetTip: Tip name for preset PresetPrehitDistance: Prehit distance during preset PresetRetractDistance: Retract distance during preset QMStylus: Stylus name for measuring QMTip: Tip name for measuring QMPrehitDistance: Prehit distance during measuring QMRetractDistance: Retract distance during measuring Please refer to "Alphamoduli CAD/CAM Interface" to learn more about the features of the XML-export. [RM-12839]
- Introduced export of models as STL file. Add keyword #SE_EDM_BACKUP_STL# in template to save models as STL in selected directory. "STL: #SE_EDM_BACKUP_DIR##partname#.#SE_EDM_BACKUP_STL#"
- Adjusted behavior to calculate variable dimension only on change of supplier/type/size. Use normal behavior when only dimensions are edited. (A) Workpiece unlocked: Keep absolute Z position of blank length. Change of D2 changes LENGTH accordingly to keep position of DTM_LENGTH fixed. Change of Z position changes LENGTH accordingly to keep position of DTM_LENGTH fixed. Change of LENGTH changes D3(top offset) accordingly to keep position of DTM_LENGTH fixed. (B) Workpiece locked: Workpiece dimensions (A_BASE, B_BASE, LENGTH and D2) are locked and can't be changed. Changes to D1, D3 or Z position change the other two dependent values accordingly. D1 and D3 are measured dimensions and therefore change if position of base changes. [RM-12517]
- Adjusted behavior of parameter rule &z_size to show same length as parameter &size. Value of blank length datum will only be used if bigger than size of solid. Otherwise the value of the size calculation is used.
- Improved automatic attach in Base UI. Attach groups will be automatically removed if faces have been removed from electrode contour. User will be asked whether SMARTElectrode should continue with automatic attach if a mixed state is found. A mixed state consists of surfaces already attached to FREE_FACE and unattached surfaces. [RM-12500]
- All interfaces: SMARTElectrode determines necessary parameter values on-the-fly, if these are not part of parameter.cfg.
- Export to AC Form: added output of 'PrepSurfaceFinishingCH' (&surf_quality), 'PrepElectMaterialSymb' (&material), 'PrepPieceMaterialSymb' (&core_material) and 'PrepWearSpeedPriority' (&priority) to XMLJ. Introduced counter for shapes (electrodes) instead of usage of electrode id. [RM-12469]
- Export to Zimmer&Kreim Alphamoduli: introduced new option "SE_CORE_NAME_FORMAT" to allow generation of short workpiece names that remain below the limit of 32 characters. Full CAD model name is displayed in "Remark". CAD model name will be used and truncated if necessary if "SE_CORE_NAME_FORMAT" is undefined or empty. [RM-12324]
- Drawing UI: new option to add positioning sheet to NC drawing sheet. NC drawing sheet can be part of manufacturing template assigned in manufacturing UI and is copied during creation of new manufacturing assembly. [RM-11270]
- Allow modification of CMM point in UI. Select table entry and start edit with double-click or press button "Edit". Point will be automatically moved to new position or reachable coordinates are suggested if point is out of bounds. Original coordinates are restored on cancel. [RM-12392]
- Allow CMM points also in workpieces. Measuring points UI is available for activated workpieces. Functionality and workflow is the same as for electrode models. [RM-12327]
- Check UI: Creo Parametric versions 6.0, 7.0 and 8.0 currently don't support interference check in active component mode. A bug fix is planned by PTC for Creo Parametric 7.0, 8.0 and 9.0. Please activate main assembly before an interference check is executed for now. [RM-12837]
- Additional parameters from orbit files may be reset when included in parameter.cfg. Internal value can't be set correctly if parameters doesn't have a default rule (&). In this case the default value always comes from parameter.cfg or sel_list.txt. [RM-12805]
- In releases before Creo 4.0 modeltree was automatically expanded on several SMARTElectrode commands. Since introduction of option and checkbox "Auto Locate in Tree" this did not work anymore. Updated behavior to expand active component automatically and collapse all other items in modeltree. This applies to following commands: activate component via ribbon command, create new electrode model, create new electrode model with base, create smart electrode. [RM-12630]
- Base UI: increase too small value for base heigth D2 automatically if base won't be created because of negative value or too small height for frame. Length must be controlled and adjusted afterwards. [RM-11387]
- Export to Zimmer&Kreim Alphamoduli: improved recognition of measuring frame for imported electrodes. Important to correctly output MeasProgType, MeasSizeX, MeasSizeY and MeasSizeZ. [RM-12388]
- Output and Postprocessor UI: STEP/IGES export of assembly or workpieces uses selected operation coordinate system as reference by default.
- Added new command to save userdefined feature (UDF) and data file for electrode blank. Use command "Open Configuration" to browse to "electrode\supplier\base_templates" and select part to customize. All variable dimensions to be controlled in data file need a custom symbol name. Select "Save Base Template" to create UDF and data file. Add additional rows of sizes or parameters to data file and copy both UDF and data file to parent folder with supplier name. [RM-12001]
- Electrode data files: allow additional columns for variable dimensions and parameters. An addtional line "VALUETYPES" has to be added between "INSTANCE" and sizes to define data types. Use "DIM" for variable dimensions, "INTEGER" for integer paramters, "DOUBLE" for double parameters and "STRING" for string parameters. Additional variable dimension have to be saved to UDF file before. [RM-9953][RM-9034]
- Adjusted behavior for default values from parameter configuration. In both cases - (a) default value defined in parameter.cfg and (b) default value defined in sel_list.txt - the value from SMARTElectrode configuration will be used now. The value will be set regardless whether the parameter already exists in template for new electrodes or not. [RM-12025]
- Reusing parameter values by parameter name did not work if connected to sel_list.txt. Reusing parameter retains initial value even if owner parameter is unlocked and changed. This issue applies to and [RM-11945]
- Export to Zimmer&Kreim Alphamoduli: allow file names for STEP export with more than 32 characters.
- Drawing UI: temporary set Creo options need to be retained if views are moved from position sheet to electrode drawing sheet. This applies especially to Creo option "drawing_warn_if_flex_feature" which may break process if set to "yes".
- Adds named view orientations to legacy models from SMARTElectrode 7.0 to allow correct drawing creation.
- Fixed problem with unreadable operation definition if group was changed. SMARTElectrode tries now to identify features in group, but it's still recommended to keep the group unchanged. [RM-12010]
- Control drawing layers by my_drawing_format.cfg. Layer display can be controlled by template and drawing view name. Use view name 'TOP_MODEL' for general settings. [RM-10772]
- Added new command "Copy from Template" to allow adding of prepared electrode models. Existence of correctly named EDM csys (option EDM_ORIGIN_NAME) is mandatory. "configuration\electrode\templates" is used as default path to select templates. [RM-11700]
- Base UI: change of holder type on details page (2nd tab) retains current position of holder. Change of electrode blank type or size resets position and holder model. Added a popup menu to optionmenu holder type to edit or reset position. [RM-11398]
- Export to Zimmer&Kreim Alphamoduli: allow a measured safety distance instead of a fixed value in XML. Use option "SafetyDistance" to set the value in export.cfg. Use option "SafetyDistanceOffset" to define the offset value. Offset will be added to measured distance from MeasZPoint to blank length. Note: only use "SafetyDistance" or "SafetyDistanceOffset". [RM-11881]
- Improved support of surface models. Surface models used as workpieces now support outline calculation, calculation of offset in operation definition and touching surface analysis for effective burn-area. Note: there is no support of interference check as this requires closed quilts. [RM-11584]
- Export to Ingersoll Multiprog: suppress output of generator types GenTypEl:RO/PF/FI/FF in ING file. Generator types are RO=roughing, PF=prefinish, FI=finish and FF=fine finish. Add option "WRITE_GENTYPEL NO" in export.cfg to disable ouput. [RM-11282]
- Export to Zimmer&Kreim Alphamoduli: added a 2nd option SE_2ND_EDM_NAME_FORMAT for naming format. SE_EDM_NAME_FORMAT is used to create short electrode names for "LogEle" and "Name". Both values have valid length of 32, but fewer characters may be available. SE_2ND_EDM_NAME_FORMAT is used for "Remark", STEP and PDF export. "CadModel" and "Remark" allow 255 characters, PDF name allows 64 characters and "File" is unristricted. Name of electrode model will be used if SE_EDM_NAME_FORMAT or SE_2ND_EDM_NAME_FORMAT are undefined or invalid. [RM-11855]
- Export to Zimmer&Kreim Alphamoduli: added ouput for "MeasureProg". By default output is "ESVierkant" for rectangular measuring frames and "ESMitteKreis" for round measuring frames. A custom program name can be used if a parameter with default "&measureprog" is added to parameter configuration. Valid values have to be added to sel_list.txt [RM-11659]
- Set temporary option values before drawing creation: "start_model_dir" must point to configuration/templates, "drawing_view_origin_csys" has to be set to "none", "save_display" has to be set to "no" and "drawing_warn_if_flex_feature" to "no". Otherwise the drawing creatoin may fail or end incompletely. Please check config.sup if options can't be set accordingly.
- Maintains structure of surface sets in selbuffer when creating copygeoms or cutouts. All selections and sets in selbuffer will be sorted by owner model before feature creation. All surface sets from one specific owner are merged and copied in one copy-geom. [RM-11765]
- Export to Zimmer&Kreim Alphamoduli: added correct ouput for several template types. Export now supports rectangular base with or without measuring frame and round base with or without measuring frame. [RM-11587]
- Export to Zimmer&Kreim Alphamoduli: added option "MeasZPoint" to export configuration. This allows to define the name of the datum point feature used to output "MeasZPoint". Any existing datum point "MeasZPoint" will be automatically renamed during export. [RM-11586]
- Export to Zimmer&Kreim Alphamoduli: use csys defined in SE_EDM_BACKUP_CSYS for , , and (STEP). Csys EDM_ORIGIN_NAME will be used as default csys if SE_EDM_BACKUP_CSYS is not set. Multiple csys names can be used if separated by ;. For example: SE_EDM_BACKUP_CSYS csys_measure; edm_origin_name [RM-11585]
- The electrode base can now also be added on a user-defined coordinate system. The coordinate system must be defined within the electrode model and selected before opening the dialog. Position of the coordinate system is taken into account to calculate required blank size. [RM-8704]
- Assembly is automatically cleaned up when components or entire models are deleted from the assembly. Layers and simmplified representations that are no longer required will be deleted from assembly. [RM-10621]
- The origin of the electrodes is taken into account when searching for the next available ID. Electrodes from other assemblies don't block any IDs. [RM-10620]
- Burnsheet UI and others: Don't show deleted electrodes in lists or trees anymore. [RM-10773]
- Check UI: calculation of contact area is always done for 1st appearance of electrode if parameter '&burnarea_xy' is saved to part. This avoids performance issues if slightliy different values are saved several times leading to changed models. Activate component and open Base UI to perform analysis for a specific position. [RM-11084]
- Fixed incomplete renaming of electrodes. SMARTElectrode checks Creo option "let_proe_rename_pdm_objects" if workspace is active and temporarily changes value to "no" if necessary. Updates parameter SE_ELECTRODE_NAME and PTC_COMMON_NAME for renamed electrode model. Updates PTC_COMMON_NAME for renamed electrode drawing. [RM-11560]
- Usage of command "Attach" on a quilt with multiple contours leads to a crash. This issue is fixed. [RM-11708]
- Command show/hide solids: Removed unnecessary recapturing of model data if solids are displayed or hidden. Model version stamp is modified through creation of solid geometry layer and therefore only done if a solid exists in model. Hiding solids also clears captured geometry data, which prevents calculation of model size and contact area analysis.
- Fixed wrong position update of subsequently added Cam csys if resuming csys feature which was suppressed before. [RM-11383]
- Output UI: fixed sorting algorithm if output is sorted by string parameter. Option SE_ORDER_BY. [RM-11575]
- Classify UI: correctly remove component appearance for unclassified models after classification. [RM-11382]
- Project UI: skip non-solid components during creation of reference features. [RM-11548]
- Ouput UI: fixed failing export of CMM points if drawing was opened and saved as PDF before. [RM-8917]
- Options UI: change of active configuration path leads to overwritten options.cfg in previous configuration. [RM-11130]
- Output UI: allow sorting of components by parameter value before exporting. Add option SE_ORDER_BY to export.cfg to define parameter name or rule to sort components by. Add option SE_SORT_ORDER to export.cfg to define sort order. Sorting is done ascending by default. Valid values for SE_SORT_ORDER are 'ASCENDING' or 'DESCENDING'. It's recommended to sort by part parameters only. [RM-10575]
- Handle existing base for commands mirror and pattern in electrode design mode. In case of mirror insert mode will be activated in front of base and cancelled afterwards. In case of pattern all surfaces below FREE_FACE will be used instead of all solid surfaces. [RM-8495]
- Show warning in burnsheet if blank length is too small. [RM-8494]
- Burnarea coverage check via option 'CONTACT_AREA_MAX_COVERAGE' uses blank dimensions A_BASE and B_BASE to calculate valid blank area. Analysis uses base top surface as fallback solution if blank dimensions are not available. [RM-10622]
- Base UI: Allow the contour height to be rounded to an even value when adding to the base. Option 'INCREMENT_POS' has to be set to 0 and option 'INCREMENT_SIZE' to desired step width. This funactionality can be used in combination with a variable blank dimension. [RM-5550]
- Output UI considers default action (include/exclude) of simplified representation when valid components for export are collected. [RM-11020]
- Updated advanced interface for Zimmer&Kreim Alphamoduli. Updated default list of orbits and added new elements to XML according to documentation. Please refer to Whats new presentation for more information. [RM-7864]
- All configuration files are now considered as encoded in UTF-8. Please use a tool like Notepad++ to convert if necessary. Files using ASCII standard don't need any special handling. [RM-10943]
- Use csys showing orientation of blank for calculation of angles. This is 'EDM_ORIGIN' for electrodes designed in SMARTElectrode 7.0. Use csys 'SE_EDM_BASE' or csys defined in option 'EDM_ORIGIN_NAME' for electrodes designed in SMARTElectrode 12.0. This allows adjustment of csys 'EDM_ORIGIN_NAME' for easier definition of start position. [RM-10822]
- Moved and renamed 'configuration-template' to folder 'data\template-new-configuration' to clarify that this is not useable as customer configuration. Subfolder 'udf' is also moved from top level to 'data\udf'. Introduced command 'Open Configuration' to open a file browser in active configuration folder. In case user selects 'parameter.cfg' or 'options.cfg' the built-in user interfaces will be opened automatically. In case user selects a Creo file (prt, asm, drw), it will be opened in a new window. An info window will be displayed for all other file types. [RM-10739]
- Introduced new 'Getting Started' document. This document is available in installation folder and explains briefly how to start working with SMARTElectrode. [RM-10749]
- Coordinate systems in group 'SE_AUTO_CSYS' are not updated automatically anymore. Open burnsheet and click on notification for assembly item if available. Coordinate systems and dependent operations/electrodes can be updated on double-click. [RM-10511]
- Check if merge in command 'Attach' creates a closed quilt if performed on surface feature or quilt. Change side to keep in merge feature if necessary.
- Allow subgroups in definition of user-defined features for electrode base. [RM-10389]
- Burnsheet UI / Output UI: Order electrodes by feature number. The first appearance of an electrode determines the order for the output. [RM-10409]
- Assembly UI: allow adjustment of accuracy value if parent assembly includes components with different values. A warning will be shown before creation of reference part and errors during creation will be shown in an additional message window. [RM-10414]
- Added commands 'Open Drawing' and 'Open Manufacturing' to context menu in modeltree and graphics window. Object will be opened in new window. Commands are not available in active component mode. [RM-10411]
- Allow cancelation of touching face analysis in Base and Check UI with ESC. Fast calculation is used per default in Base UI if no value set at all. It uses all electrode surfaces below FREE FACE to calculate effective contact area. Result is inaccurate if electrode is a combination of several shapes for different positions or if it includes addtional features - like supporting geometry - that do not touch the workpiece. Exact calculation runs a comparison of electrode against workpieces. This analysis may take much longer comparing surface data. [RM-10504]
- Burnsheet UI: show notifications also as helptext (tooltip) for table cell in column 'Status'. [RM-10421]
- Use feature substitute in group 'ATTACH' instead of offset/replace if Flexible Modeling Extension is available. [RM-8703]
- Repeat UI: only show selected electrodes and preview components when defining new position. All electrodes are displayed again on OK or when user starts selection again. [RM-10399]
- Corrected replacement of drawing view orientation if symbolic names are used on templates. Default 2d view names: SE_TOP (SE_DEFAULT), SE_BOTTOM, SE_FRONT, SE_BACK, SE_LEFT, SE_RIGHT Default 3d view names: SE_DEFAULT_ISO, SE_ASM_DEFAULT, SE_ASM_ISO These orientations will be replaced with correct orientation for operation or electrode. [RM-10990]
- Hide invalid commands in modeltree if selected feature is not inside active component. [RM-10985]
- Reset surface appearance to default before touching faces are colored. A definition for 'COLOR_EDM_TOUCHING_FACES' has to be available in my_color_format.cfg. Coloring in Base UI is only processed if electrode has only one position. In Check UI all positions of electrode have to be selected to process coloration. Warnings will be displayed if 'COLOR_EDM_TOUCHING_FACES' is not applicable. A distinction is made between the following cases: (1) Check UI: coloring can be done when all electrode positions are selected for touching surface analysis (2) Check UI: a warning will be displayed and coloring will be canceled if NOT all electrode positions are selected for touching surface analysis (3) Base UI: coloring can be done in detailed calculation of contact area if active electrode is used only once in assembly (4) Base UI: a warning will be displayed and coloring will be canceled if active electrode is used multiple times in assembly [RM-10405]
- Assemble again UI: check for valid electrode selection before command 'Assemble on constraint' is executed. [RM-10844]
- Fixed wrong result for selection by color in electrode design mode. Sometimes too many surfaces were selected. [RM-10857]
- Fixed problem with creation of ordinate dimensions on drawings. Multiple redundant baselines without merging dimensions have been created. [RM-10685]
- SMARTElectrode-ribbon may be locked if active operation is deleted. Features are now checked whether they belong to active operation before deletion is executed. If active operation was deleted outside SMARTElectrode, a different operation will be activated automatically. [RM-10733]
- Fixed problem in Properties UI when switching processor to a value without defined orbits in configuration. Parameter for orbit is now reset to '-'.
- Hide commands in modeltree if selected feature is not active. [RM-10518]
- Avoid crash in Base UI if no active workpiece found. [RM-10488]
- Add template with base: read type and supplier from selected template to avoid error messages in validation. SE_EDM_TYPE and SE_EDM_SUPPLIER are saved to new electrode model automatically. [RM-10407]
- Handle resumed base properly if user-defined FREE_FACE is used. Until now base has been reset on cancelation of insert mode. [RM-8515]
- Fixed problem with coloring electrode components in preview.
- Fixed problem to open local help with spaces in path.
- Added custom CSV output. Line counter increases by 1 for every valid undersize. [RM-10184]
- New option 'CONTACT_AREA_MAX_COVERAGE' added to define a threshold value from which a warning is displayed in Base UI and Burnsheet UI. The option value defines the maximum coverage of the blank area by contact surfaces in percent. Default is 80%. [RM-10357]
- Base UI: Fixed restoring of last value if A_BASE / B_BASE are edited before additional dimension changes. [RM-10218]
- Export: Check electrode for existing csys before export. Check is version dependent. [RM-10191]
- Computation of outline for legacy electrodes. Electrode size shows wrong values if a rotated csys EDM_ORIGIN_TOP is used. In case electrodes are created in SE 7.0 'EDM_ORIGIN' is now always used to compute blank size. 'SE_EDM_BASE' or named csys (option EDM_ORIGIN_NAME) are used in SE 8.0 and later. [RM-10062]
- Export configurations: option SE_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR is not applied correctly if set in export.cfg. For example SE_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , [RM-10060]
- Export configurations: option SE_EXPORT_GAP=1/2 is not applied correctly to some outputs. Error occured beginning from version for Agie, Charmilles, Exeron, EPX and Makino. SE_EXPORT_GAP supports following values: 0: uses overburn value without conversion (1:1) 1: duplicates overburn value (2:1) 2: halves overburn value (1:2) [RM-10058]
- Allow separate temlates for model types in SMARTElectrode. Template name Model type Replaces Creo template configuration\model\se_assembly.asm Electrode assembly Option: template_designasm configuration\model\se_reference.asm Reference assembly Option: template_designasm configuration\model\se_reference.prt Reference part Option: template_solidpart configuration\model\se_electrode.prt Electrode part Option: template_solidpart configuration\model\se_analysis.prt Analysis model Option: template_solidpart configuration\model\se_mfg.asm Manufacturing assembly Option: template_mfgnc configuration\model\se_mfg_workpiece.prt Workpiece for manufacturing Option: template_solidpart [RM-9506][RM-9408]
- Added French localization for SMARTElectrode. [RM-9896]
- Base UI: Also consider template length on automatic blank size selection. Several blanks with same section but different lengths can be added to data files. For example: 15x15x50, 15x15x75, 15x15x100, ... [RM-9897]
- Added export options WM_COPY_TO_WORKSPACE=YES/NO and WM_ADD_AS_SECONDARY_CONTENT=YES/NO to copy created file to active workspace. Electrode assembly will be set as primary content if WM_ADD_AS_SECONDARY_CONTENT=YES. Limitations: This works only for exports creating a single file. The file will be created in defined save location at first and then copied to workspace. [RM-9244]
- Changed some UI button labels. Holder UI - Remove 'Update'. Use 'Assign' instead of 'OK'. Use 'Close' instead of 'Cancel'. Manufacturing UI - Remove 'Update'. Use 'Create' instead of 'OK'. Use 'Close' instead of 'Cancel'. Drawings UI - Use 'Close' instead of 'Cancel' Post-Processor UI - Use 'Create' instead of 'OK'. Use 'Close' instead of 'Cancel'. Output UI - Use 'Create' instead of 'OK'. Use 'Close' instead of 'Cancel'. [RM-8802]
- Improved rounding behaviour. For example it's now possible to set D3=0 in template files without setting option INCREMENT_SIZE=0. [RM-9913]
- Base UI: improved detection method for automatic attach to FREE_FACE and show warning for failed features only once. Failed surfaces will be listed in message log. Surfaces must meet all conditions to get connected to FREE_FACE: (1) normal vector must be parallel FREE_FACE normal, (2) surface must not be part of base group, (3) surface must not belong to a cutout feature, (4) distance from FREE_FACE must be > 0. [RM-9533]
- Improved post-processor for ZK. Use short names for electrodes, STEP files and PDF. [RM-7864]
- Changed behavior of UI implementations. UIs open without prepended select window. Selection buffer will be automatically validated and applied if possible. Selection mode starts automatically if no selection is applied. Select window will be hidden if possible. [RM-9630]
- Added new orientation SE_ASM_DEFAULT to operation for default projection. Available orientations are: SE_ASM_DEFAULT, SE_ASM_ISO, SE_BACK, SE_BOTTOM, SE_DEFAULT_ISO, SE_FRON, SE_RIGHT, SE_TOP [RM-9576]
- Use valid name length of 19 characters for virtual names (.LONGNAME) defined in *.SFR and *.SBR. Virtual names are the names the customer sees in the file list. [RM-9445]
- Added option SE_CREATE_SHORT_FILENAMES to allow usage of 8.3 file name format for AGIE export. [RM-9444]
- Fixed error in fast burnarea projection calculation in Base UI. [RM-9597]
- Base UI: Corrected calculation of variable D1 on change.
- Import UI: enable selection of burngap feature again.
- Removed csys displaylist of current operation if new operation is created.
- Consider factor for burngap/undersize conversion "SE_EXPORT_GAP" in post-processors. 0: uses overburn value without conversion (1:1) 1: duplicates overburn value (2:1) 2: halves overburn value (1:2)
- Added UI "Start Position" in electrode design ribbon to simplify adjustment. Start can be independently edited for every electrode position (component). User inputs override default start and csys "STARTPOS" on OK. [RM-9316]
- Allow creation of workpiece dimensions using my_drawing_format.cfg. Use keywords WP_MINX_MINY, WP_MINX_MAXY, WP_MAXX_MINY and WP_MAXX_MAXY to access min/max points of workpiece outline of any named drawing view. SE automatically evaluates datum points from group 'SE_AUTO_CSYS' to provide points in correct order. [RM-5070]
- Revised Import UI for easier integration of electrode models not created with SMARTElectrode. Necessary features and parameters will be added to support most of the functionality in SMARTElectrode like drawing creation and export. [RM-5116][RM-6208]
- New surface selection tool 'tool path'. Surfaces completely within a dragged tool path are selected. Tool diameter can be set in UI. Dragging can be limited to horizontal/vertical movement pressing . [RM-9237]
- Classify UI - don't open UI automatically when model without type is found. Command can be accessed via ribbon. Unlassified components get temporary color PRO_COLOR_ERROR. [RM-9388]
- Added dynamic dragging to cutout UI. Size of solid can be changed interactively when "Dynamic Drag" is activated. Dragging is supported for creation and redefinition of cutout. [RM-8715]
- Operation UI - New default value "-1" for option DEFAULT_START_DATUM. When defining a new operation, height of workieces will be calculated, rounded by INCREMENT_POS and set as start datum offset. Therefore even long electrodes are securely placed above workpieces by default. Use command "Modify Operation" to adjust start-position of all electrodes of an operation. Use new command "Start Position" in Design Ribbon to optimize start-position of a single component. [RM-9315]
- Add parameter SE_IMPORTED_ELECTRODE = 1 to successfully imported electrodes. This avoids skipping of electrode in output/post-processor UI. [RM-9235]
- Added flexible modeling (FMX) shape/geom rule selections to group 'Select' in electrode design ribbon. New accessible selection tools are: Cut, Cut and secondary shapes, Round, Round and secondary shapes, Boss, Boss and secondary shapes, Coaxial surfaces. [RM-8261]
- Revised group 'Select' in electrode design ribbon. Moved rarely used commands into overflow of group. This mainly concerns commands that select datum surfaces, quilts or their contours: 'Same', 'Datum faces', 'Quilts', 'Edges', 'Loops', 'All Loops' [RM-9294]
- Configuration - allow usage of unicode characters in parameter configuration. For example: ▼ for undersize_1 / roughing ▼▼ for undersize_2 / semi-finishing ▼▼▼ for undersize_3 / finishing ▼▼▼▼ for undersize_4 / fine-finishing [RM-9151]
- Base UI - very small negative values for D3 are shown as errors in UI. Interpret very small negative values as 0 for D3. For example D3 = -1.874e-15. [RM-8289]
- Renamed some localization files to avoid collisions with other auxiliary applications. Renamed menu.txt, message.txt, gui.txt to se80_menu.txt, se80_message.txt and se80_gui.txt. [RM-9343]
- Mirror electrode - check if FREE_FACE normals of active and reference electrode are aligned (collinear and same direction). Mirror FREE_FACE as well if necessary. [RM-9242]
- Creation of new electrodes failed after drawing creation. SE has overwritten the config option 'START_MODEL_DIR'. This error occured in and [RM-9400]
- Command 'New with base' - avoid crash if part file without data file is selected. Changed file filter from '.prt' to '.dat' to make sure to hide incomplete templates. The selected template is checked for completeness: (1) model, (2) base group, (3) data file. [RM-8286]
- Base UI - fixed skipped optimization for C angle if suppressed base is resumed and updated. Use insert mode and Base UI to integrate design changes. This avoids outdated drawings, because base features don't have to be created again. [RM-9133]
- Placeholders for parameters (like &initial_date and &user_name) are not replaced with 'real' parameters during drawing creation. This was fixed for all drawing templates using electrode assembly as base model: asm_bom, asm_wp, asm_operation and asm_edm. Works without errors for edm_default. [RM-5425]
- Output for Agie - fixed calculation of ID_VALRETP. ID_VALRETP defines return plane from workpiece and is the distance from operation csys to secure plane. [RM-9097]
- Burnsheet UI - cancel command 'Redefine cutout' if electrode does not contain any cutouts created with SE. This may happen for empty electrode models, mirror or merge, interactive modeling... [RM-9083]
- Burnsheet UI - fixed error if electrode with same component ID appears two times in tree. [RM-9082]
- Update all electrodes of operation if reference csys is changed interactively. SE checks reference csys for change of version stamp. Version stamp changes on redefine or adjustment to dimensions. [RM-8007]
- Burnsheet UI - hide UI if notifications are opened. Also all other components are temporarily hidden. Click on notification message highlights features (base, cutout) or parent model (copy, split, merge, mirror). Double-click starts redefine for cutouts or recenters base. [RM-9063]
- Electrode templates - allow disable of automatic adjustment of D1. Use option USE_OPERATION_DEFAULT_FOR_BASE=YES to enforce usage of ADTM_FREE from operation definition. Default value for option is NO. [RM-8711]
- Output UI - allow value '&model_name' for option SE_EXPORT_FILE to use assembly name for output file. Valid values are &model_name, &, . [RM-8712]
- Project UI - added context menu to allow deletion all selected models from list. [RM-8986]
- Project UI - allow redefinition of assemblies using reference method 'original models'. Position of components will be updated on Ok. [RM-9031]
- Base UI: pre-selected surfaces will be used as user-defined FREE_FACE. SE creates an additional datum plane and renames original FREE_FACE to DEFAULT_FREE_FACE. If user deletes base and user-defined FREE_FACE again, SE handles also DEFAULT_FREE_FACE properly. [RM-8994]
- Check UI: delete copy-geoms of touching faces in analysis model if electrode component is deleted or suppressed. [RM-9022]
- Display filter for active component also displays/hides analysis model.
- Cutout UI: temporary store and show highlighted user selections in Cutout UI during creation and redefinition. Selection buffer may be lost if user clicks in object window leading to termination of command. [RM-9005]
- Postprocessor Ingersoll: integrate 'GenTypEl...' in output. 'RO' for roughing, 'PF' prefinish, 'FI' finish and 'FF' for fine finish. [RM-8969]
- Added two manufacturing templates: mfg_3axis for usage with ordinary 3-axis milling and mfg_moduleworks for usage with HSC operations. XML files for reference control have been updated to set a datum plane for MILL_WINDOW and MFG_DETPH. MFG_DEPTH uses FREE_FACE or frame if available. [RM-8914]
- Updated AGIE export: use equidistant (3d/spheric) for undersize default and centre (=1) as default for position of electrode correction in erosion direction. Output of STARTPOINT ID_POSX, ID_POSY, ID_POSZ corresponds to SECUREPOS in SMARTElectrode. Measured incremental from STARTPOS. Output of WORK ID_POSX, ID_POSY, ID_POSZ corresponds to STARTPOS in SMARTElectrode. Absolute position from operation. Output of ID_GEO1_XBAHN, ID_GEO1_YBAHN, ID_GEO1_ZBAHN corresponds to ENDPOS in SMARTElectrode. Measured incremental from STARTPOS. Catalog correction in Z (IDRU_CZ) is overall height from holder csys to EDM_ORIGIN. Parameter 'HOLDER_LENGTH' can be used to set a default holder height. Resulting value is rounded with INCREMENT_POS. [RM-8579]
- Burnsheet UI - retrieving dependency status from suppressed or failed copy-geoms leads to modified copy-geoms. Components/featues will be skipped. [RM-8939]
- Burnsheet UI - automtaic update of cutouts did not work for new cutouts. SE opens redefine UI for cutouts if geometry is outdated instead of changing dimensions automatically. Auotmatic update does not work anymore as users can change position and size individually. [RM-8518]
- Project UI: don't convert selection of assembly to selection of sub-components if reference method 'original models' is used. [RM-9030]
- Fixed problem for imported electrodes/operations from SE 7.0 and before. [RM-8782]
- Cutout UI: cancel without creation of cutout if selected items are invalid (non-geometric items like datums or selections inside electrode).
- Remove templates from active workspace after creation of manufacturing assembly. [RM-8905]
- Base UI: reset secure Z position of base when template size is changed. Otherwise interference with workpiece can occur and cancel calculation of D1. [RM-8708]
- Base UI: keep assigned holder even if current type is not found in library. [RM-8582]
- Operation UI: offset from solid was not caluclated for a pre-selected csys. [RM-8709]
- Drawing UI: set option 'drawing_view_origin_csys' to 'none' during drawing creation. Option may lead to displaced views as EDM_ORIGIN is in center of solid. [RM-8902]
- Drawing UI: don't create additional electrode drawing sheet if assembly simprep is already used. Applies to options CREATE_EDM_POSITIONING_SHEETS=1 (one sheet per model) and MERGE_EDM_POSITIONING_SHEETS=4 (add views to electrode drawing sheet). [RM-8565]
- Project UI: show error message it assembly already exists in session, working directory, search paths, workspace or commonspace. [RM-8564]
- Drawing UI: close drawing window before merge to make sure correct drawing is displayed in base window. [RM-8563]
- Fixed unnecessary update of datum plane features in manufacturing templates. Avoid deletion of feature name for datum planes. Hide *.XML files in template browser in manufacturing UI.
- Added new default parameter '&overburn_qty' to show sum of all quantities. Parameter shows sum of '&overburn1_qty', '&overburn2_qty', '&overburn3_qty' and '&overburn4_qty' if overburn values are >0. [RM-8423]
- Added EDM Postprocessors with new UI to write data for EDM. Postprocessor module necessary. [RM-8132]
- Updated post-processor for INGERSOLL to consider overburn quantities. [RM-8135]
- Added adjustable cutout. Position (X, Y, Z, C) and Size (Length, Width, Depth, Offset) can be controlled in UI and redefined later. [RM-8255]
- Allow redefinition of electrode assembly. Definition of reference part can be changed. [RM-7496]
- Drawings - allow creation of electrode part drawing with several sheets showing part and assembly views. This improvement is for electrodes reused in other assemblies. Every drawing sheet shows part views and assembly views of another assembly. Options for drawing setup: CREATE_EDM_DRAWING = YES - 'Create Part Drawing' is active. MERGE_EDM_DRAWING = 1 - Don't add electrode drawing to another drawing. CREATE_EDM_POSITIONING_SHEETS = 1 - 'One sheet per model' is active in drawing dialog. MERGE_EDM_POSITIONING_SHEETS = 4 - Add views to electrode drawing sheet. [RM-8417]
- Output UI - name export like operation by default. All operations of electrode assembly can be exported in a row without changing the name. [RM-8448]
- Allow output by simprep. In addition to export by operation or selected electrodes, users can now also select a simplified representation for export. Simplified representations could be added for repair, new electrodes necessary through design change or gate electrodes. [RM-8260]
- Allow import of operation sub-assemblies from SMARTElectrode 7.0. A new operation has to be defined if new electrodes should be added.
- Use color of electrode part to color copy of touching faces in analysis model if COLOR_TOUCHING_SURFACES is not defined in my_color_format.cfg. [RM-8244]
- Added effective burn-area and workpiece material to Base UI. Added buttons to perform burn-area analysis and to query undersize values from database (overburn_calc.txt). [RM-8257]
- Revised assembly UI: allow resize, changed arrangement of controls [RM-7495]
- Use internal parameter lists instead of options for postprocessors. [RM-8131]
- Improved AGIE export to work without specific configuration for postprocessor module. [RM-7092]
- Remove material file from workspace after assignment. [RM-8411]