- Disabled commands to convert electrode assemblies into Inseparable Assemblies. A warning appears if user executes >RMB >Inseparable Assemblies >Embed or >Model >Operations >Inseparable Assemblies >Make Inseparable. SMARTElectrode does not process components already embedded in electrode assembly. Embedded components are not listed in burnsheet nor exported. A warning will be displayed in message window. [RM-11929]
- Added new command to save userdefined feature (UDF) and data file for electrode blank. Use command "Open Configuration" to browse to "electrode\supplier\base_templates" and select part to customize. All variable dimensions to be controlled in data file need a custom symbol name. Select "Save Base Template" to create UDF and data file. Add additional rows of sizes or parameters to data file and copy both UDF and data file to parent folder with supplier name. [RM-12001]
- Electrode data files: allow additional columns for variable dimensions and parameters. An addtional line "VALUETYPES" has to be added between "INSTANCE" and sizes to define data types. Use "DIM" for variable dimensions, "INTEGER" for integer paramters, "DOUBLE" for double parameters and "STRING" for string parameters. Additional variable dimension have to be saved to UDF file before. [RM-9953][RM-9034]
- Adjusted behavior for default values from parameter configuration. In both cases - (a) default value defined in parameter.cfg and (b) default value defined in sel_list.txt - the value from SMARTElectrode configuration will be used now. The value will be set regardless whether the parameter already exists in template for new electrodes or not. [RM-12025]
- Fixed problem with unreadable operation definition if group was changed. SMARTElectrode tries now to identify features in group, but it's still recommended to keep the group unchanged. [RM-12010]