SMARTElectrode Changelog
- Assembly UI: changed behavior for creation method "Use current assembly". List of selected reference models is cleared when switching to method "Use current assembly". Only selected reference models are marked as workpieces/core models. All other components are treated as "undefined".
The new functionality also works for redefinition of assembly. [RM-17718]
- Most user interfaces remember position on subsequent calls in session. Child dialogs like "Edit Holder Position", "Edit Measuring Point" and "Notification" will be displayed dependent upon parent dialog position. In addition most user interfaces can be resized and remember size on subsequent calls in session. [RM-15325]
- Interfaces: Introduce validation rules and operations for placeholders. In addition to comparison operators also formatting rules and formulas can be considered.
Syntax: #<placeholder>[<operator/format/math>;<format string>;<action>]#
Operators: check help for complete list of operators
Format: [format;<format string>;<action>] Example: [format;%07d;no-action]
Formula: [math;<formula>;<action>] Example: [math;(burnarea_xy/10)^2;no-action]
Valid actions: no-action [0], skip-value [1], skip-value-and-tag [2], skip-line [3], default-value [4]
Multiple rules are processed one by one from left to right.
- Interfaces: Enhance usage and processing of exports and interfaces. Some interfaces (AgieVision, Exeron Exoprog, Ingersoll Multiprog) use predefined template from installation. Set export option SE_USE_CUSTOM_TEMPLATE=YES to activate custom template from configuration.
- Interfaces: integrate export to Exeron exoprog.
- Add layer control when exporting 3d formats. Layer settings file (layer_settings.txt) and automatically created temporary layer "SE_EXPORT_TEMP" are outdated. There are two new persistent layers to define hidden (SE_EXPORT_HIDDEN) and displayed items (SE_EXPORT_DISPLAYED). Additional items to be hidden or shown can be added to these layers by user. Delete both layers from electrodes to recreate the layers on export - for example if the export configuration has changed. Reset of layers can also be activated by export option "SE_EDM_RESET_LAYERS" or activating checkbox "Reset export layers" in Output UI. In addition a new export option "SE_EDM_DISPLAY_LAYERS" is introduced. It contains a semicolon separated list of layer names that have to be displayed. [RM-17432]
- Interface ZK Alphamoduli: allow declaration of csys to measure Z0 point (MeasZPoint) from. Additionally 'MeasDim' can be set in options file to use dimensions absolute from palette (0) or incremental from top of piece (1). [RM-16971]
- Interfaces: remove enforced filling from roughing to fine-finishing if a specific machining step is missing. Machining steps are still automatically moved up for AgieVision, but not for any other interface anymore. The values are used as defined in parameters.
Order: Rouging << Pre-Finishing << Finishing << Polishing/Fine-Finishing
Parameters: &overburn1 << &overburn2 << &overburn3 << &overburn4
- Classify UI: user interface is not accessible until a zero point has been defined. This behavior avoids mistakes if users accidentally classify components as electrodes before an active operation is available. [RM-17719]
- Startposition UI: custom coordinate system can be selected as reference to define offset/rotation of start position. Coordinate system must reside in electrode model. Custom start position is only applied to currently active electrode component. Repeat definition for different electrode positions. Start position parameters update if coordinate system is redefined. Start position is reset to default behavior if coordinate system is deleted by user. [RM-14337]
- Base UI: allow display of quantity parameters for burngaps with decimals. Applies to parameters with rules &overburn1_qty, &overburn2_qty, &overburn3_qty and &overburn4_qty. Open Parameter Configuration UI and change type to DOUBLE or STRING and set number of decimal places in column "Format" to allow decimals. If parameter type was INTEGER before, existing quantity parameters must be deleted from electrodes manually to allow creation with correct type. [RM-17047]
- Correct calculation of user-defined start position if reference csys is rotated in more than one axis. [RM-17551]
- Operation: fix minor bug when user selection of operation for editing is cancelled. [RM-16940]
- Drawings: set drawing detail options "ignore_model_layer_status=yes" and "draw_layer_overrides_model=yes" when drawings are created from template. This allows to control display of model layers through drawing layers with same name. [RM-16942]
- Fix problem with holder assembly. Sometimes electrode csys "EDM_HOLDER_POS" could not be initialized correctly. [RM-16824]
- Fix erroneous call to interference check toolkit API. Command delivers in some cases no result if arguments not in a specific order. [RM-16818]
- Remove deprecated behavior for 'DEFAULT_START_DATUM < 0'. A negative option value does not start calculation of workpiece height in Z direction of selected csys anymore. All values for DEFAULT_START_DATUM are now used as offset from FREE_FACE datum plane. [RM-16690]
- Cleanup transformation matrices to get correct angles in edge cases. [RM-16748]
- Base UI: fix problem with display of undersize values queried from 'overburn_calc.txt'. [RM-16691]
- Burnsheet UI: fix wrong reset of workpiece display after "Isolate" or "Show Notifications" in Burnsheet UI. [RM-16692]
- Base UI: recenter base on electrode solid if Z position is adjusted automatically. Lateral surfaces with draft angle lead to different coordinates for base. [RM-16547]
- Add new command "Quilt Envelope" to allow creation of a rectangular, closed quilt around the selected solid or datum surfaces. Selections from workpiece or active electrode are valid. Created envelope can be used for trim, extend, merge and solidify features. Use command "Edit Cutout" to redefine. [RM-16455]
- Parameters in Properties UI and in Base UI can now be filtered by category. Available default categories are "Default" (as defined by Show in UI), "All", "Position" and "Technology". Use Parameter Configuration UI to add custom categories. [RM-15975]
- Assign electrode to different operation. Use page 'General' in Base UI to set a different zero point for active electrode component. Parameters will be recalculated after user confirmation. Changes assignment for active electrode component only! [RM-10410]
- Add new page 'General' to Base UI. This page combines basic information about the electrode: operation, csys, holder and notifications. [RM-8256]
- Add new commands to ribbon group 'View' to display workpieces or electrodes with transparency.
- Remove deprecated option 'CALCULATE_XZ_PROJECTION'.
- Remove deprecated option 'USE_ORIGINAL_TABLE'. If a table is updated by software is decided by value in row 2/column 1 of the placeholder. Check changelog of predecessor [RM-7306].
- Remove deprecated option 'AUTO_UPDATE_PROJECTION' for automatic updates of effective burn-area calculation. Effective burn-area can be calculated in Base UI and Check UI. [RM-8713]
- Remove deprecated option 'CALCULATE_OVERBURN' for automatic evaluation of undersize values from database. Undersize values can be calculated in Base UI and Check UI if technology values are prepared in overburn_calc.txt. [RM-8714]
- Correct behavior of FREE_FACE in new electrodes, Base UI and definition/redefinition of cutout if normal vector of FREE_FACE parent is not parallel to Z direction of first csys in solid. [RM-16099]
- Consider flipped normal vector for user-defined FREE_FACE. Normal vector of FREE_FACE created on reference surface is not automatically parallel to normal vector of reference surface. [RM-16074]
- Fix empty table on separate electrode part drawing if placeholder 'ASM_EDM' is used. Assembly is automtically added as drawing model if necessary. [RM-16088]
- Fix wrong evaluation of userdefined FREE_FACE in Base UI. Affected versions: SMARTElectrode in Creo and Creo Compare [RM-15938]
- Output/Interfaces: one operation (= zero point) must be seleced to start export. Electrodes, from simplified representations or selected by user, belonging to a different zero point are skipped during export. [RM-15864]