SMARTUpdate Changelog
- Make SMARTUpdate Creo 6.0 compatible [RM-14589]
- Check configuration files upgraded to XML [RM-13875]
- Configuration options upgraded to XML [RM-13874]
- Allow merge features to be refreshed [RM-13511]
- Convert old xsecs to new xsecs [RM-13547]
- Existing drawing format cannot be found when checked against a value list [RM-13546]
- Allow to edit several parameter at once
- Implement a feature to allow removal of several creo features in one run by identifying them by type, number or normal vector
- Add new function to remove relations as a whole file when using relation files.
- Implement the functionality to move a creo feature to and from footer
- Implement a functionality to delete al layers that are not in the standard (not in a specific list or in the start part)
- Add Gatekeeping functionality to SMARTUpdate to avoid checking in models with errors
- Add the Ribbon items for the Skeleton model mode
- Allow to check if the current model is checked out
- Allow the user to create parameters by using a plain text configuration file
- Make the displaying of the models during the batch mode configurable to avoid Creo crashes.
- SU should support unicode text in the configuration (e.g. for Parametervalues)
- Allow the user to choose the standard configuration he wants to check with.
- Allow to set empty parameter values
- Allow the user to apply a filter on the files displayed in the batch window
- Allow to change the size of the Batch dialog window
- Allow the user to make a multiple selection in the Batch dialog using the SHIFT button
- Allow the saving of the relation items/terms as internal variables for later usage in the configuration
- Allow the features to be hidden (like it works interactivelly in the Model tree)
- Allow to disable the creation of the checked items when they only have to be edited
- Allow to check the parameter value against a format which supports regular expressions
- Translate parameter values or relation items
- Bring up a message dialog to show why the check or update of a model was skipped.
- Create a check log to review what has been checked
- Overtake values from environment variables to parameter values
- Transfer parameter content from one parameter to another
- Set tolerance standard and model class in conformity section
- Allow to edit dimension properties on several dimensions at once
- Count and remove only symbols which are visible
- Set tolerance standard and model class in conformity section
- Count and remove only symbols which are visible
- Save Layerstate status via Toolkit
- Allow to work on filelist in batch mode
- Speed up Check and Update process
- Improve the search functionality in the interactive window
- Report an error when not able to rename feature
- Allow models to be saved under another path than that where they are
- Update Material check to allow fixing inactive materials too
- Check and Update component parameters directly basing on a text configuration file
- Overtake the rules from a template layer regardless of the name
- Check and Update tolerance standard also for drawings
- Update drawing notes at a specific position in a drawing table
- Implement a new SDA (SMART Data Analysis) Check to extract all model propertties to a SQL database for further analysis (separatelly licensed)
- Fix crash after leaving the configurator dialog with Cancel
- Fix problem with checks which are moved to new groups and keep the reference to the old group
- On EDIT Action the missing features aren't displayed correctly
- Correcting accuracy doesn't work when the definition was created with an old version of the configurator
- Check group ruled by condition checks is not displayed even if the condition is matched
- When working drawing notes the found notes are shown 2 times
- The path of parameter file is not detected correctly
- Domain names are Case sensitive in the configuration
- Fix crash when trying to set a default configuration
- The selection of the items in Batch window dosen't work properly
- Fix problem with internal variables for relations
- Crashes occur sporadically when running in batch mode
- Minimize the Memory footprint of the software
- Make sure not to create empty layers
- Created Annotations are not available to use in combined states when updating in one run
- Created simpreps are not available to use in the combined states in one run
- Just created layer states cannot be assigned to combined states
- Overwritten dimension values doesn't show Model dimensions, only drawing dimensions
- Just created layer states cannot be assigned to combined states
- Checks moved to new groups keep the reference to the old group
- Created simpreps are not available to use in the combined states in one run
- Created Annotations are not available to use in combined states when updating in one run
- Fix the error with the percentage bar in the statistics table
- Regenerate model after updating layers to apply layer rules if present